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 上海芹升贸易有限公司于1978年2月8日筹建。为了使广大用户用的满意放心,特别跟踪服务一年来,质量大小毛病发现不少,,解决了不少客户疑难问题,并在质量与价格方面给予了调节。本公司生产各种各样金刚石制品,在刀片上已花费近拾万元资金试验,并参考研究意大利及台美各国进口锯片的配方,使今天的金刚石锯片多种花样及品种价格多,金刚石异形滚轮磨盘都试验已久,投放市场以来,受到客户好评,并在进一步改进,为了进一步满足客户各种需求,我公司将采取上门服务,尽量做到随叫随到,我公司宗旨是:“有问题你尽管提,我们为您解决,满意为止,若你不提,我们感到不安.”  你想用得放心,价格实惠的话,请打热线电话:013505001078 若有质量问题,请打质量监督电话:013901603365 013859764313公司将在最短时间内为您解决。本公司另可代加工异形线条加工随意定形,价优质量好,价格面议,望新老客户光临指导。  Qinsheng Special-shape Stone Cutters Manufacturer has been established since Feb.8.1978, capable of producing all kinds diamond products. The fullfilled investment of about one hundred thousand yuan and the introduction and study of the procedure of saws from Italy, Germany and the U.S. etc.,enable the saws produce with more designs, categories and prices of different choices. The diamond rotating wheel for polishing has been put into market and very soon got well received by the customers. However, we will continue the further improvement to meet a variety of customer’s call. The compaqny’s mainfesto is that please point out any question and leave it to us to handle it until you are completely pleases and if you do not inform it to us, we shouls feel uneasy. Additionally, we offer another process service for customers by taking orders of taken-shape line asked by them and with high quality but low and negotiable price.


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