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  • 磐安县奥施德塑胶制品厂
  • 化工币: 85
  • 诚信指数:17   诚信等级:诚信等级:二星级
  • 荣誉证书:0 项
  • 联系人:
  • 电话:86 136 65821193   13665821193
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  • 公司地址:中国 浙江 金华市 浙江省磐安县尖山镇工业园区
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供应各种型号塑料油抽。其他款式欢迎可来样定做。     本厂座落于紧邻“义乌国际小商品市场”的浙江省磐安县尖山镇工业园区,主要生产各种塑料软管、卫浴下水管、PVC异型材、水龙头、地漏、花洒及配件、坐厕水箱配件、皂液器、手纸盒(架)等水暖卫浴产品,电器类、家用类、休闲类塑料附件管、及一些市场热销塑料制品。    多年来本着“质量第一、顾客至上,诚实守信、优质双赢”的经营原则,得到了国内外广大客户的青睐,并与多家实力雄厚的外贸公司建立了长期合作伙伴关系。“立足现在,着眼未来”在市场日益竞争激烈的今天我们并没有满足现状,而是大力投入人力、财力、物力不断研发新产品,来满足广大国内外客户的需求。    让客户满意是我们最大的愿望,为客户提供最优质的产品是我们始终不渝的追求;奥施德塑胶制品厂全体员工在此热忱欢迎广大国内外客户莅临本厂参观、考察、洽谈业务。 QQ:495967461联系方式:13665821193电子邮箱:osdsjc@163.com公司网址:http://osdsj.cn.alibaba.com                Our factory is located in yiwu international commodity market close "panan county town industrial park, jianshan mainly produces all kinds of plastic hose, sanitary hoses, PVC profile, faucet, floor drain, the flower is aspersed and accessories, sit lavatory cistern fittings, soap, hand boxes (frame) plumbing &bathing products, household appliances, leisure, and some plastic accessories plastic products market.      For many years the tenet of "quality first, customer first, honesty, quality win-win" business principles, obtained the customers at home and abroad, and with a number of foreign trade company strength has established long-term cooperation relationship. "Based on now, looking to the future" in the market competitive today, we did not satisfy the current situation, but into human, financial and material resources continuously develop new products to meet the needs of the customers both at home and abroad.      Let the customer's satisfaction is our biggest wish, to provide customers with the best quality of products is our unswerving, The Obama s&d staff in the zealous welcome general customers both at home and abroad to visit our factory and negotiate business and visit. QQ: 495967461mob: 13665821193E-mail: osdsjc@163.comhttp://osdsj.cn.alibaba.com


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