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  • 杭州蓝天锅炉制造有限公司
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 出口压力:   低压  循环方式:   室燃炉
 燃料耗量:   卧式  型式:   WNS3.0-1.0/1.3/1.6/2.5-YQ

         本价格仅供参考,具体成交价格根据炉型和配置等因素并以合同确定。DescriptionAutomatic oil or gas fired boilers steam series WNS:This series of boilers are adopted the structure of horizontal, internal- combustion, three-pass and full wet back. The combustion chamber consists of corrugated internal furnace and wet smoke box. The fuel oil or gas is atomized and injected into the combustion chamber from the burner,here it's burnt into smoke of high temperature. The smoke enters the second pass threaded smoke tubes after the radiation and the convection heat transfer occurred in the furnace and the smoke box, then it's back to the third pass smoke tubes, and proceeds with the convection heat transfer again. At last it passes the rear smoke box and is dispelled via the chimney.         The characters of this series of boilers: Adopted the structure of full wetback. The high temperature smoke is surrounded by water. It can not only utilize the heating surface efficiently, but also prevent the rear smoke box from being destroyed by the high temperature smoke because of the structure of dry back.Other characters of  this series of boilers as followed :* The unique big combustion chamber design, increased the chamber radiation heating area, reduced the boiler volume, reduced Nox discharging;* Around the boiler the smoke tube box selects the multistage seal method, guaranteed cannot leak the smoke* The boiler control system suits under the high temperature, the high-moisture environment moves for a long time;* Has the big vapor zone, the steam quality is good;* Multiple chain-like protection. Protection and so on water level, steam pressure, fuel gas pressure;* Uses the highly effective thermal insulation material, the boiler surface temperature is low, the radiation loss may ignore;* Strictly according to the Chinese country standard and the standard production, all bearing part uses the high quality boiler steel products* Front each boiler leaves the plant all passes through the strict examination and the test, including hydraulic pressure test and X beam examination;* All fittings like burner, water pump, water level controller, valve measuring appliance and so on necessary  international or domestic well-known brand product;* Establishes some human of holes, the hand hole and so on, maintains the maintenanceto be extremely convenient;* May differently request according to the user to carry on the special design;性能特点:       1、 三回程卧式内燃湿背式结构、螺纹烟管、波纹炉胆,增加了传热效果,提高锅炉热效率。        2、大燃烧室设计、增大了炉膛辐射受热面,降低NOx的排放。        3、大水容量,提高对负荷变化的稳定供汽性能。        4、标配意大利 原装进口燃烧机,PLC可编程电控系统和不锈钢给水泵。        5、阀门仪表首选柱塞阀等国优产品,最大限度减少能耗和故障率。        6、不锈钢外包,整装出厂。并提供出口“线标”和全部英文资料。        7、其它综合性能:热效率高,产汽快、负荷稳定,蒸汽品质好;自动运行、多种报警和保护功能,安全可靠。         8、锅炉经浙江省特种设备检验中心监检合格出厂,保修一年,售前、售中、售后服务齐全便捷。        注:适用燃料:轻柴油、重油、天然气、液化气、城市煤气等。出力:0.5-20t/h,工作压力:0.1-2.5MPa。卧式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉技术参数表Main technical specifications of Gas-fired steam boiler              型号 model参数 specifications单位 UnitsWNS3.0-1.0/1.3-YQ额定蒸发量                 capacityt/h3.0额定压力           operating pressureMPa1.0 / 1.3蒸汽温度           steam temperature℃184 / 195锅炉效率            rated  efficiency%88-91受热面积                heating aream276燃料耗量 fuel consumption轻油light oil Kg/h195重油 heavy oilKg/h215天然气   gasNm3/h225水容量                water capacityt6.6外形尺寸         Overall  dimensionsmm4765X2660X2600主汽阀口径   Main steam valve diametermm100安全阀口径       Safety valve diametermm40排污阀口径   Blowoff  pipe  diametermm50水泵接口     Feed water pipe diametermm40烟囱口径           Chimney diametermm400油泵接口        oil inlet pipe diametermm15天然气进口管径 Gas inlet pipe diameterinch3设备电功率      General electric powerkw7天然气最低供气压力        Rated minium gas-inlet pressurembar40      


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