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  • 北京市贝特里技术发展公司
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  • 公司地址:中国 北京 北京市朝阳区 八里桥北 东军庄1号
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 运动状况:   BAMTRI  外形:   ZFQ
 结构形式:   排管式  型号:   立式
 操作压力:   加压  用途:   用于番茄、苹果、胡萝卜等果浆的浓缩。
 品牌:   内循环型  蒸发面积:   21500×8000×15000 (m2)

应用:用于番茄、苹果、胡萝卜等果浆的浓缩。采用全自动控制,在线检测浓度、温度、液位、流速等,并实行模拟量的闭环控制。工作原理:利用真空度降低果浆沸点,加热抽走果浆中的部分水分,提高果浆固形含量,使之成为一定浓度的酱体。结构特点:升膜强制循环方式;物料与蒸汽逆向流动;全压冷凝;双三效蒸发;蒸发室液位高于列管换热器。设备组成及技术参数:该设备主要包括:四组竖直列管换热器,四组蒸发室,四台自循环泵,一组冷凝器和副冷凝器,两台冷却水循环泵,两台真空泵,两台变频调速转子泵(送料),一台凝结水泵,一台原浆输送离心泵,一套阀门、管道及传感器、压力表、温度表、糖度仪,一套电、气控制系统。生产能力(处理鲜番茄能力)200,400,450,500,550,660,800,1000,1500吨/天功   率1000 kw蒸发量24-36T/h压缩空气0.6MPa 200L/min蒸   汽0.6MPa 9 T/h冷却水(循环用)600m3/h联系人:吕振才北京航空制造工程研究所202中心电话:010-8570 1225  13801313387传真:010-8570 1104E-mail:bamtri206@126.comEvaporatorApplication:The evaporator is used for condensed syrup of various fruits, such as tomato, apple, carrot. Equipped with fully automatic control device, it can realize on-line inspecting of thickness, temperature, liquid level, flow speed, and analogue closed loop control.Working Principle:Syrup boiling point is decreased by reducing vacuum degree. Heat up syrup to extract water inside, enhance its solid content, which turns to jam with required thickness.Structure Characters:Rising-film forced circulating typeMaterial and vapor flow in opposite directionAll pressure condensingTwo triple-function evaporationLiquid level in evaporation chamber is higher than tubulature exchangerMachine Structure and Technical Parameters:The machine is composed of : four groups of vertical tubulature heat exchanger, four groups of evaporation chambers, four self-circulating pumps, one group of condenser and secondary condenser, two cooling water circulating pumps, two vacuum pumps, two variable frequency speeder rotor pumps(for feeding), one condensing water pump, one syrup conveying centrifugal pump, one set of valve, tube and sensor, pressure meter, temperature meter, saccharimeter, one set of electric and pneumatic system.Productivity (handling fresh tomato)200,400,450,500,550,660,800,1000,1500tons/dayPower1000kwEvaporation volume24-36T/hAir0.6MPa 200L/minSteam Capacity0.6MPa 9T/hCooling Water (for circulating)600m³/h 


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