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 额定工作电压:   ZXBXS系列 (v)  类型:   30
 额定绝缘水品-雷电冲击耐受电压:   上海志信 (v)  额定绝缘电压:   CEC (v)
 主母线额定电流:   1 (A)  操作方式:   挂壁式
 主电路额定电压:   50 (v)   

一、适用范围:1、爆炸性气体混合物危险场所:1区、2区。2、爆炸性气体混合物:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC。3、温度组别:T1~T6。4、防爆标志:ExdeⅡBT4、*ExdeⅡCT4。注:要求ⅡC级请注明。一、产品特点:1、铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。2、有多种规格的插座便于检修用电源。3、可带有总开关,具有过载,短路等保护功能。三、主要技术参数回路数额定电压(V)支路电流(A)防爆标志极数2、3、4、6380/22015、30Exde Ⅱ BT6* Exde Ⅱ CT61P+N+PE3P+N+PE四、主要外形尺寸及安装形式:五:型号含义: ■产品特点﹒铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。﹒插销与开关制成联锁机构,只有开关断开后方能拔出插头。﹒适用于额定电压380V或220V、额定电流16A、32A的线路中,作 为连接手持工具及照明灯电源。铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。插座上 带有分、合指示。插头的接地触头比主触头长,使主触头未接通前 先将地线接通。在拔脱插头时,最后分断接地线,以保证安全。插 销与开关制成联锁结构,当插头插入后,插头上的转套向右旋转至 一定角度。插座内的开关即闭合,同时插销不能拔脱。反之,将转 套向左旋转一定的角度,则开关分断,然后才能拔掉插头。插座上设有防护盖,在插头拔脱后,防护盖将插座遮蔽,以免外物侵入。 铜管或电缆布线,电缆布线须配有电缆夹紧密封接头。本产品符合 国家GB3836.1.2.3-2000标准设计要求。可带有总开关,具有过载,短路检修等保护功能。并可根据要求带电保护功能。 □Features﹒The shell is made of diecasted A1-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface.﹒The plug together with switch is constructed to form interlocks.Only if  switch is off,the plug can be drawn out.﹒Suitable for ateel pipe and cable wiring.﹒Suitable to connecting portable electrical tool or power source of lighting  fixture in thos circuits with rated voltage of 380V or 220V and rated  current of 16A,32A Enclosure is made of casting aluminum alloy,surface is  sprayed with plastics.With indicater of ON/OFF Earth pin is longer than  main pin,so,before power on,the earth pin is effected.Pulling out pin,  the earth pin only could bedisconnected after main pin discontented So the  plug and socket could be functioned safety.The plug and socket is  interlocked with switch.when insert plug into socket and right hand rotate  sleeve arounding plug to certain angle the switch is on and the plug could  not pullout,if left hand or rotate the sleeve,after the switch is off,the  plug could be pull out.With guarding cover,After plug pulled out,the cover■产品特点﹒铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。﹒插销与开关制成联锁机构,只有开关断开后方能拔出插头。﹒适用于额定电压380V或220V、额定电流16A、32A的线路中,作 为连接手持工具及照明灯电源。铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。插座上 带有分、合指示。插头的接地触头比主触头长,使主触头未接通前 先将地线接通。在拔脱插头时,最后分断接地线,以保证安全。插 销与开关制成联锁结构,当插头插入后,插头上的转套向右旋转至 一定角度。插座内的开关即闭合,同时插销不能拔脱。反之,将转 套向左旋转一定的角度,则开关分断,然后才能拔掉插头。插座上设有防护盖,在插头拔脱后,防护盖将插座遮蔽,以免外物侵入。 铜管或电缆布线,电缆布线须配有电缆夹紧密封接头。本产品符合 国家GB3836.1.2.3-2000标准设计要求。可带有总开关,具有过载,短路检修等保护功能。并可根据要求带电保护功能。 □Features﹒The shell is made of diecasted A1-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface.﹒The plug together with switch is constructed to form interlocks.Only if  switch is off,the plug can be drawn out.﹒Suitable for ateel pipe and cable wiring.﹒Suitable to connecting portable electrical tool or power source of lighting  fixture in thos circuits with rated voltage of 380V or 220V and rated  current of 16A,32A Enclosure is made of casting aluminum alloy,surface is  sprayed with plastics.With indicater of ON/OFF Earth pin is longer than  main pin,so,before power on,the earth pin is effected.Pulling out pin,  the earth pin only could bedisconnected after main pin discontented So the  plug and socket could be functioned safety.The plug and socket is  interlocked with switch.when insert plug into socket and right hand rotate  sleeve arounding plug to certain angle the switch is on and the plug could  not pullout,if left hand or rotate the sleeve,after the switch is off,the  plug could be pull out.With guarding cover,After plug pulled out,the cover有防爆的地方 就有志信电气


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