导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 通用设备及材料 >> 电动机 >> 机械设备用电动机
 型号:   所有  品牌:   三相异步电动机
 极数:   S017  额定功率:   220
 产品类型:   2极  应用范围:   ISO2000
 额定转速:   1000 (rpm)  产品认证:   台湾仟岱
 静载:   1000 ((KG))   

中山市阜沙镇永达力五金弹簧厂>位于广东中山市阜沙镇。成立于2001年。是一家生产各类精密弹簧及五金冲压等产品的企业,主要包括:压簧、扭簧、拉簧、异型簧(线材成型)等各类弹簧产品。本企业采用目前最先进的CNC电脑数值控制弹簧成型设备,可卷制各类精密弹簧,将线材加工成各种形状,满足更多客户的需求!本企业一直致力于生产高品质的产品,经过多年艰苦努力,有丰富的生产经验,保证产品质量的稳定性和交货及时性,向客户提供一流的产品质量。把“以质取胜、从实取信”作为本企业的经营方针,以“客户满意、服务至上”为企业宗旨,欢迎中、外广大新老客户光临惠顾、洽谈合作!。主营:弹簧;五金件;铁轴;小车件;适用于:小家电、日用品、汽车业、玩具、机械、MP3、LED、家具、文具等等。灯具万能弹簧介绍:万能弹簧,主要应用于灯饰,针对现在日趋流行的LED灯,主要有带胶的和不带胶两种。它们本质上没有区别,带胶的主要起到绝缘的作用,另外看起来更美观,颜色可以根据自己的喜好任意调配,常用颜色有深兰色和黑色.据我们销售统计调查,现在80%以上的LED灯厂家通用的万能弹簧以 以下尺寸偏多:↓1.1MM(线径)*40MM(长度)*7N(圈数)*16宽*7.5外径1.1MM(线径)*45MM(长度)*7N(圈数)*16宽*8MM外径1.2MM(线径)*40MM(长度)*7N(圈数)*16宽*8MM外径1.2MM(线径)*45MM(长度)*7N(圈数)*16宽*8MM外径                          另外,你可以根据自己的实际要求,进行任意的组合。如:XMM(线径)*XMM(长度)*XN(圈数)*等等+颜色,我们将为你量身打造适合贵公司的产品.     迎您与我洽谈:罗炎锋131786428861.弹簧钢丝的直径多少?2.弹簧的外径多少?3.弹簧的长度多少?4.弹簧的总圈数多少?5.订购的数量多少?越多单价越便宜。6.如果是异型弹簧,或者不规则弹簧,则需要计算所用钢丝的长度。价格需要根据以上计算之后再议,上面的一口价是暂时定义的。如果是做样板,我们一般会收取样板费,做了样板再继续做货,数量在3万以上,我们一般会退还样板费。主营:1、压缩弹簧、拉伸弹簧、扭转弹簧、电池弹簧、玩具弹簧、异型弹簧2、开口圈、孖圈、单圈、双圈、龙虾扣、三角扣、线扣、D扣、五金扣、方扣、活动扣、葫芦扣、日字扣、拉心扣、针筒扣、吊环扣、钩扣、弹簧扣、8字扣。3、九字针、T型针、车轴、电池片4、五金冲压件及工艺线成型加工等五金饰品配件。5、谒诚欢迎来电及来样来图订做各类成品及配件。  压缩弹簧产品展示:↓ 拉伸弹簧:↓     涡卷弹簧:↓扭转扭力弹簧:↓                 线成形、线折弯弹簧:↓异形弹簧:↓中山市永达力五金弹簧厂 应用范围主用于:电子产品,洗衣机,吸尘器,灯具,汽车,家具,玩具,熱水器,計算器,充电器,點火器,电器,燈盤,電風扇等产品简要描述1,寿命更长。 2,弹性更强。3,品质更好。 4,价格合理。本公司是一家集技术开发、弹簧设计、生产加工、销售服务于一体的4S型企业。生产线径生产钢丝直径范围线径0.08mm—3.5mm技术标准按客户要求,本公司以解决客户之优为己任,更以生产高精度弹簧为特长。符合RoHS能够测量超过76化学品和材料,电镀厚度类型表面处理环保(ROHS)的镍,锌,电镀,金,银,铜,黑,电泳,达克罗(适应长时间的户外使用,可以达到超过90小时盐雾测试)产品使用范围产品适用于各类玩具、灯饰、皮具、礼品、工艺品、文具、电子、电器、五金塑胶、遥控器、童车、自行车、洗衣机,吸尘器,灯具,汽车,家具,玩具,热水器,计算器,手表,点火器,风扇……特长决窍公司独特拥有独特的502型数控弹簧紧,由多组伺服马达独立控制。(生产速度快、定位精准、运行稳定;对于高难度、多折位弹簧,全部一次性成形,无需另外加工。)材质种类型 号特 征使 用 范 围不锈钢丝(sus)有磁、无磁、光面和雾面(树脂面、暗面)201、202……;含镍量少,达不到盐雾测试要求。工艺弹簧多用此材料301、302、303、304、305、309、310、316、321、……这类材料都适合用,有耐酸碱的,耐高温。电子,电器,日用品工具,锁,玩具等403、410、420、430……630、631……碳钢丝(SWC低碳钢丝,高碳钢、锰钢丝,镍丝,镀锌铁丝60SizMNA、60SizCRVA、55CrSi硬度高,弹性好。电子,电器,日用品工具,锁,玩具等琴钢丝(swp) SWP-B;SWP-A抗拉力,使用寿命长适用于各种产品铜材丝磷铜丝,镀锡铜线,镀镍铜线,青铜,铜,磷,铜,铍铜等导电性能好电子、电器、天线等。电子、电器、天线等。铁丝镀锌铁线、水抽线材料软工艺品,装饰。弹簧图绘制与标识法压缩弹簧绘图法拉伸弹簧绘图法扭转弹簧绘图法销售范围国内:全国各大城市,如:广东省,浙江省,重庆市,北京,四川,上海,湖南……国外:美国;俄罗斯,日本,韩国,土耳其,加拿大,印度,越南……订购须知订单交期订单生产周期一般3-10天。急单处理:我司有急单加快处理流程,会以最快的速度给你完成。样办收费标准1。普通弹簧,标准规格材料范围内,我司做样概不收费。2。特殊性材质,特殊规格(非标准规格)打样需收取相应的办费。3。高难度弹簧,复杂型,打样需收取相应办费。4。简单弹簧如需要样办过多,也会收取相应办费。样办收费承诺1,对于收取办费的样办,下订单达一定量后(量是根据产品来定),退回办费。2,对于收取办费的样办,快递费我方承担。3,对于收取办费的样办,直至做到OK为止。4,对于收取办费的样办,无法达到贵司要求,退回办费。关于运输广东省中山市市周边300公里:大件我司均由公司派车专人免费送货;小件我司指定由一邦、顺丰快递送货上门,并可由指定的快递公司代收货款广东省外或中山市周边300公里以外:对于较远地区的客户,我们采用物流公司,铁路运输,汽车运输方式发货(部分地区可代收货款)。小件产品我们采用快递送货上门。常用快递公司:一邦快递,顺丰快递......。公司名称: 中山市阜沙镇永达力力五金弹簧厂联 系 人:罗炎锋中山市电话: 0760 -23401061传真:0760-23402005移动电话: 013178642886中山市地址: 广东省中山市阜沙镇阜港东路电子邮件:zhyongdalim@163.com公司主页:http://www.zhyongdali.cn.alibaba.comThe Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength hardware spring factoryThe Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength hardware spring factory > located at the Guangdong Zhongshan Fusha Town. Was established in 2001. Is one produces each kind of precision product and so on spring and hardware ramming enterprises, mainly includes: Presses the reed, the torsional spring, the extension spring, the heterogeneous reed (wire rod formation) and so on each kind of spring product. This enterprise uses at present the most advanced CNC computer numerical control spring formation equipment, may curl system each kind of precision spring, processes Cheng Ge the wire rod to plant the shape, satisfies more customers the demands! This enterprise has devoted to the production high quality product, passes through many year arduous efforts, has the rich production experience, the quality assurance stability and delivery timeliness, provides the first-class product quality to the customer. “Uses quality to compete, wins others' trust truthfully” takes this enterprise's operational policy, take “customer satisfaction, the service is supreme” as the enterprise objective, in welcome, outside general new old customer presence your help, the discussion cooperation! . Main business: Spring; Hardware; Hard axis; Car; Presses the reed; Torsional spring; Wire spring; Tension spring; Is suitable in: Small household electrical appliances, daily necessities, automobile industry, toy, machinery, MP3, LED, furniture, stationery and so on.Application scopeThe host uses in: Electronic products, washer, vacuum cleaner, lamps and lanterns, automobile, furniture, toy, water heater, calculator, battery charger, igniter, electric appliance, lamp panel, and so on electric fanThe product describes briefly1st, the life is longer. 2nd, the elasticity is stronger. 3rd, the quality is better. 4th, reasonable price. this company is a fair technology development, the spring design, the production processing, the sale serves a body's 4S enterprise.Production line diameterProduction steel wire diameter Fan contour diameter 0.08mm-3.5mmTechnical standardAccording to the customer request, this company take solves the customer superiorly as an own duty, take produces the high accuracy spring as the special skill.Conforms to RoHSCan survey surpasses 76 chemicals and the material, galvanization thickness typeSurface treatmentEnvironmental protection (ROHS) nickel, zinc, galvanization, gold, silver, copper, black, the electrophoresis, reaches Carlo (to adapt long time outdoors use, may achieve surpasses 90 hour salt mist test)Product use scopeThe product is suitable for each kind of toy, the decorative lighting, Pi Ju, the present, the handicraft, the stationery, the electron, the electric appliance, the hardware revertex, the remote control, the baby carriage, the bicycle, the washer, the vacuum cleaner, the lamps and lanterns, the automobile, the furniture, the toy, the water heater, the calculator, the wristwatch, the igniter, ventilator ......Special skill knackThe company has the unique 502 numerical control spring to be tight uniquely, by many group of servometer independent control. (the output velocity is quick, the localization is accurate, the movement is stable; Regarding the high difficulty, the multi-booklet position spring, disposable form completely, do not need other processing. ) also has Taiwan to import presses the reed machine, carries on 100% complete inspections to the spring.Material qualityTypeModelCharacteristicUse scopeStainless steel wire (sus)Has magnetism, not to have magnetism, the refacing and the surface blush (resin surface, dark surface)201、202、204……;Are few including the nickel quantity, cannot meet the salt mist test requirements.Craft spring multipurpose this material301、302、303、304、305、309、310、316、321、……This kind of material suits uses, to have bears the acid and alkali, thermostable.The electron, the electric appliance, the daily necessities tool, the lock, the toy and so on, is suitable for each product403、410、420、430……630、631……Carbon steel wire (SWC)Iron wire, high-carbon steel, manganese steel wire, nickel silk, galvanized wire60SizMNA、60SizCRVA、55CrSiDegree of hardness is high, the elasticity is good.The electron, the electric appliance, the daily necessities tool, the lock, the toy and so on, is suitable for each product.Music wire (swp) SWP-B;SWP-AStretching resistance, service life longIs suitable in each productCopper material silkPhosphorus copper wire, tinned wire, nickel plating copper wire, bronze, copper, phosphorus, copper, and so on beryllium copperElectric conductivity good electron, electric appliance, antenna and so on.Electron, electric appliance, antenna and so on.Iron wireThe galvanized iron wire, the water drawMaterial softElectron, electric appliance, antenna and so on.Spring chart plan and marking lawCompression spring cartographyTension spring cartographyReverse spring cartographySales scopeDomestic: National each big city, for example: Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Chongqing, Beijing, Sichuan, Shanghai, Hunan ......Overseas: US; Russia, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Canada, India, Vietnamese ......Order noticeOrder form delivery dateOrder form production cycle general 3-10 days.Anxious list processing: My Si Youji the list speeds up the processing flow, will complete by the quickest speed to you.The type manages charging criterion1. The ordinary spring, in the standard specification material scope, my Si Zuoyang does not collect fees generally.2. The particular material quality, the special specification (non-standard specification) pulls must gather correspondingly manages the expense.3. The high difficulty spring, the complicated shape, pulls must gather manages the expense correspondingly.4. The simple spring like needs the type to manage excessively many, also will gather manages the expense correspondingly.The type manages the charge to pledge1st, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, after getting down the order form reaches the ration, (quantity is according to product decides), returns manages the expense.2nd, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, the express fee we undertake.3rd, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, until achieves up to OK.4th, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, is unable to achieve the expensive department to request, to return manages the expense.About transportsGuangdong Province Zhongshan peripheral 300 kilometers:The big-ticket item I take charge of by company sending a vehicle specialist free delivery;The light casting I take charge of assign by a nation, along abundant express to deliver goods to the doorstep, and may by the express company which assigns receive on another's behalf the loansOutside Guangdong Province or outside Zhongshan peripheral 300 kilometers:Regarding the remote area's customer, we use the physical distribution company, the railway transportation, the motor transport way deliver goods (some areas to be possible to receive on another's behalf loans).The light casting product we use express deliver goods to the doorstep. Commonly used express company: A nation express, along abundant express .......Corporate name: The Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength strength hardware spring factoryContact person: Mr. Luo YanfengZhongshan telephone 86- 0760 -23401061Facsimile: 86-0760-23402005Mobile phone: 013178642886Zhongshan address: Guangdong Province Zhongshan Fusha Town Fu port east road (i.e. Luo loose industrial district)Email:zhyongdalim@163.comCompany main page:http://www.zhyongdali.cn.alibaba.com


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