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 风机压力:   久耐  气流方向:   中压风机
 型号:   横流风机  转速:   彩钢板 (r/mim)
 通风机类型:   喉口600mm-3000mm   

屋脊通风器Roof ventilator     屋脊通风器是厂房屋面配套首选通风设备,它美观大方、轻盈流畅,立体感强,气势宏伟。防水效果好,专业化生产和设计,其性能体现用户的使用要求,其技术构造处于国际领先地位。     产品通过国际专业检测,所有数据达到和超过标准,阻力系数小于等于1.65,通风散热快,比传统天窗所需缩短20-30%,补传统天窗防水不够严密,换气量不足等方面的缺点。      It is the best choice for workshop roofs with pieasant looking, strong capability of waterproof,high standardized manufacturing and unique design which could meet demands of a variety of users.It is coefficient of resis tance is 1.65 or less than 1.65.Moreover,world-class techniques are employed to enhance the performance.      It has been tested by related intermational organizatios with satisfactory results .Compared with traditional skylights, it finished air changes more quickly. Moreover, it  has  a better performance in preventing rain penetration and air change capacity than skylight.    本产品广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、机械、纺织、建材等行业   It has been applied in a wide range of areas, like oil, chemical,metallurgical,electric, machinery,textile and building material industry.★ 结构图Structure1、通风器的设备尺寸及参数 Dimensions of  Roof Ventilaor    该通风器荷载较轻,整机运往现场,安装于屋脊处,防水性能较好,使用安全,适用于各类厂房(可根据客户的要求设计手动、电动开闭装置)。  Light weighted,integrated packing and easy transportation, easy installation, waterproof,safe and friendly-using, applicable to different kinds of workshops (it could be manual or powered according to user’s specific requirements).设备尺寸及参数型号Modei喉口尺寸Throat高Height宽Width长Length屋脊开口Ridge width檩条间距Purlin space重量Weight kg/UnitLIH0WLL2KKg/台JQ-230230390560300035560056JQ-310310530750300047579066JQ-380380630750300057596085JQ-460460760112030006951160115JQ-640540890130030008151340145JQ-6106101030148030009251520175注:1.本表中的数据为参考值,标准值以实际提供产品为准。      2.活动盖板的控制方式为:手动和电动两种。Note:      1. ll data listed above are for reference only.For the exact data,please see the real products.      2.mper control:manual and powered2、屋脊通风器的排气参考值 Air Change Capacity of Roof Ventilator                                          单位/Unite:M3/H*M    表二Table 2型号Type温差/有效排气高度(mm)Temperature Difference/Stack Height6000mm9000mm12000mm15000mmJQ-2305℃110912821534171610℃124914981962228215℃1854217424952851JQ-3105℃147617102059226410℃166319762614301015℃2455288733263798JQ-3805℃184321382556285110℃208124953269380215℃3089362541584752JQ-4605℃221025673064342010℃249529953920456115℃3708434949905702JQ-5405℃257829953575399210℃291234924576532115℃4324507258216653JQ-6105℃294534204086456110℃332639925227608415℃4943579666537603注:以上所列排气参考值的计算条件为:设定室外温度20℃;重力加速度9.8m/s2;室外平均风速1.2m/s;孔口流量系数为0.85。Note:Supposing temperature outdoors is 20 C,acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/s2,average wind velocity outdoors is 1.2m/s,and the coefficient of air volume is 0.85.


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