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 类型:   润滑泵  型号:   不阻塞
 原理:   机床设备,印刷设备,食品设备,注射剂,纺织设备,冲床及各种产业设备等  用途:   亚隆泵AMGP-01NS Series
 外观尺寸:   手动 (mm)  工作压力:   润滑泵
 产地:   15  叶轮数目:   125
 叶轮结构:   AMGP-1M1-01NS-T03-110  扬程:   单吸式 (m)
 流量:   铸铝 (m3/h)  品牌:   卧式
 驱动方式:    泵轴位置:  
 叶轮吸入方式:    压力:   (Mpa)

 AMGP-1M1-01NS-T03-110注:1M1----Voltage division电源1M1:1Ø100/110V                                  1M2:1Ø200/220V01NS----泵的区分(Pump division)T03------Reservoir capacity容器(?)NO Mark无标记:1.8T03:3.0  T06:6.0  T12:12   T20:20     110 ---Reservoir type安装方式           TY:Wall mounting附着在墙●     AMGP-01NS系列润滑泵是间接式供油定量式泵,可以组合Measuring value(ARD-340,350,PVO type)使用。●     由于安装了感知液体水平面的开关即压力开关,易于识别泵的异常情况,且此开关要里连接设备德控制器使用才能运转。●     泵的前面装有Feed键,它在初次排管时,排出管内空气,或是利用手动进行注油的情况下便于使用。●     此泵是间接式泵,不能连续运转使用。●     广泛适用于机床设备,印刷设备,食品设备,注射剂,纺织设备,冲床及各种产业设备等。  ●     AMGP-01NS pump is a esistive and intermittent pump ,using with measuring valve(ARD-340,350,PVO type).●     This pump have float switch and pressure switch inside to check the oil shortage and connect the outside terminal on main machine to control the working conditions by monitoring .●     As the pump is installed feed button switch inside of pump ,it is easy to remove the air and to operate by manual.●     This type is a kind of intermittent pump,so that the continuous operation should be prohibied.●     This pump is mainly used machine tools,printing ,foods,injection machine,press and various industrial machine.Applications适用:     ●适用液体Type of fluid:Oils     ●材质material:      外壳case:Aluminum(ALDC)套子cover:Plastic(ABS)      容器Reservior:Plastic(透明ABS)       齿轮泵Green pump:Steel      轴向shaft guide:铝(ALDC)内装有调节压力的阀门      ●使用温度Temperature:80°C以下      ●供油方式Oil supply method:定量式(Measuring)      ●控制方式Controller method:没有(Monitoring)      ●感知液体水面的开关Float switch:FS-A      ●压力开关(Pressure swith):PS-11    ●压力表(Pressure Gauge):PG-35K Setting of Interval time:Discharge  Time(吐出时间)Interval time(间隔时间)1 ~ 10sec  时约2min以上11 ~ 30sec  时约3min以上31 ~ 60sec  时约5min以上61 ~ 99sec  时约10min以上 此泵在运转时有高温产生,所以,一定要按照上面的表格,设置时间间隔(Interval Time)。与吐(Dischargetime)相比,间隔时(Internal time)过短,泵内的安全置就会感知,并停止泵的运转,但等其温度下降后,又会自动运转。AS this pump occurs the high heat in motor when working,set the interval time following the left information.The motor stops automatically by high motor heat,causing the interval time is shorter than discharge time, But the pump works normally after motor cooling. 


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