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  • 广州市白云区太和松菱电器厂
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 类型:   家用制冷设备  别名:   SOLAN
 用途:   SL-20  品牌:   制冰
 类别:   冰块机   

  全自动制冰机:日产冰量从20公斤到10吨的制冰机,都可按客户要求订做!!Model:SL-20型号:SL-20Max.prod./Nmed.cubes 24h最大产冰量/24小时:20kgBin Capacity储冰量:6kgDimensions without paching长 (Depth) 宽 (Width) 高(High)370×400×530mm额定电压Volts:220V额定功率Power:0.28KW    24小时产冰量可从23公斤到10吨,透明如玻璃,冰块厚薄可调,产品广泛应用于酒店、KTV、西式速食、早餐店、复合式简餐果汁冷饮店、啤酒屋、超市、保鲜食品加工等。     松菱牌制冰机主要部件由国外进口,制冰机用全不锈钢外壳,产品设计美观、高效节能、控制系统采用先进微电脑控制。制冰机的进水制冰,除霜,冰满自动脱冰的工作的过程,自动检知。     制冰机的进水系统在停水、停电后均能够自动返回工作,操作简单方便。    ☆ 制冰机款式美观大方,采用国际最为成熟可靠的流水式制冰原理,效率高,具有高可靠性和稳定性,冰满自动停机。    ☆ 分体式大产量,采用全不锈钢设计,造型高雅。    ☆ 国际流行款式设计外观稳重大方,斜面开启门板,方便取冰。    ☆ 采用名牌高效压缩机,制冷系统优化设计,加厚保温层,整机高效节能。    ☆ 选用成熟的电脑控制系统和制冰模,确保制冰系统运行稳定可靠。    ☆ 冰块透明如玻璃,厚薄可调。    ☆ 制冰机整机一年保修,终身维护。 Model: SL-20The largest producing ice volume (24 hours):20KGIce reserves :6KGDimensions without pachingDepth*Width*High370×400×530mmVolts:220VPower:0.28KW ☆The ice production capacity of Solan brand icemaker ranges 23kg to 10T within 24 hours, and theice is as transparent as glass with flexiblethickness, the product is widely applicable for hotel, KTV, western instant foods, breakfaststores, compound fruit juice and beverage stores beer bars, supermarkets and fresh-keeping foods processing etc. ☆The main parts of Solan brand ice maker areimported from abroad. With “Philips”refrigerating technology and world famous “aspera” compressor,the products feature outstanding  refrigeratingefficiency. ☆Solan brand ice maker applies fully stainless steel enclosure and features beautiful appearancehigh efficiency and energy saving, the controlsystem applies advanced microcomputer control.Such work procedures as water supply, ice making,frost removing, automatic ice releasing of the ice maker are under automatic control with automatic inspection. ☆The water supply system of the ice maker can automatically activate after water and power failurewith simple and convenient operation. ☆Ice maker has beautiful and decent appearance,applies world mature and reliable flow water icemaking principle and features high efficiency,high reliability and high stability, and mayautomatically stop working after adequate iceis made. ☆Divided structure, high production capacity,apply fully stainless steel design, elegantappearance. ☆World popular design, decent appearance, bevelopen door plate, convenient for taking ice. ☆Solan brand ice maker applies world famous brand and effective compressor with optimized design to the refrigerating system, and features high effectand energy saving with ultra thick heat preservinglayer. ☆Apply mature computer control system and ice making module, assure stable and reliable work.   ☆Ice is as transparent as glass with adjustable thickness.  ☆The whole ice maker enjoys 1 years of warrantyservice and whole life maintaining service.


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