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 产品认证:   VA7010-8003  产品类型:   ROHS
 额定电压:   磁滞同电动机 ((V))  外形尺寸:   赛尔德 ((MM))
 额定转速:   0.006 ((rpm))   

VA-7010系列电动二通阀VA-7010系列电动二通阀是专供中央空调风机盘管的配套产品,由驱动器与阀体两部分组成,驱动器由一个磁滞同步电机驱动,具备弹簧复位及手动开阀杠杆操纵功能。阀体部分采用活塞式结构。电动阀可与温控器配套使用,由温控器控制电动阀电机,使阀门打开或关闭,实现管道冷水或热水的通或断,再通过风机盘管送风,以实现温度的自动调节。工作原理:驱动器由单向磁滞同步电机驱动,阀门弹簧复位,阀门不工作时处于常闭状态.当房间温度发生变化时,由温控器提供一个交流电源开启信号,使单向磁滞同步电机接通交流电源而动作,通过齿轮传动推动活塞式结构阀体开启阀门,冷冻水或热水进入风机盘管,为房间提供冷气或暖气.当室温达到温控器设定值时,温控器令电动阀断电,复位弹簧使阀门关闭,从而截断进入风机盘管的水流,通过阀门关闭和开启,使室温始终保持在温控设定的温度范围。 主要技术参数:1、电源电压:220/110/24±10% V,50~60Hz;2、环境温度:0~65°max;3、流通介质:空调冷热水;4、功率消耗:<6W;5、流体温度:0~95℃;6、开关阀时间:通电后7秒内;7、阀体承压:1.6Mpa;8、驱动器马达类别:磁滞同步电机。Motorized Two-way ValveVA-7010 Series Motorized Two-way Valve , consisting of valve body and actuator driven by hysteresis motor,  are specially coupled  with fan coil of commercial air conditioners to control the medium( hot or cold water) in the coil through a room thermostat. As a result, it can achieve automatic temperature control.When power on, actuator started by synchronous hysteresis motor open valve,and when power off, spring return close valve. Valve is closed off when it is not in use. When the room temperature is above or below the set-point, thermostat send a power signal to actuator that will connect to power, open valve ,input hot water or chilled water to fan coil unit. By doing this, the cooling or heating air will be provided to the room. When the room temperature reached the set-point, thermostat cut off power, motorized valve closes, spring switch returns , the hot water or chilled water is blocked in fan coil unit. By valve opening and closing, the room temperature can be maintained at the set-point.     Technical specifications1.Power supply : 220/110/24土10% V, 50~60Hz2.Ambient temp. : 0~60℃3.Medium :cold & hot water4.Power input :<6W  5.Medium temperature : 0~95℃6.Valve open/close : within 7 seconds  after power on/off7.Pressure : 1.6Mpa8.Motor : Synchronous hysteresis motor


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