导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 炼油、化工设备 >> 传热设备 >> 冷却器
 类型:   江中设备  使用压力:   立式 ((MPa))
 产品别名:   JZ  用途:   17000
 材质:   料液的蒸发浓缩   

▲本设备广泛用于制药、化工、食品、轻工等行业的液体物料的蒸发浓缩工艺过程。The equipment is widely used forthe technological process ofconcentration by evaporation for liquid materials in the industries ofpharmacy, chemicals , foodstaff and light manufacturing, etc.▲本设备采用列管式循环外加热工作原理,物料受热时间短、蒸发速度快,浓缩比重大,有效保持物料原效。The equipment adopts the working principle oftubular external heating. Since the material is heated in shorter time but evaporated at fast speed, the original effect ofmaterials is kept better.▲节能效果显著,比单效蒸发器节约蒸发量70%左右。物料在密闭系统中蒸发浓缩,环境清洁舒适;本系统设备独特的除沫装置,防止跑料现象。It saves energy evidently. Compared with single effect evaporator, it saves evaporation capacity by 70 per cent. The materials are evaporated and concentrated in closed system with a clean andcomfortable surroundings; The equipment is furnished with despumation device in case of overflow of materials .▲凡与物料接触部分均采用进口不锈钢制做,并进行抛光处理,设备耐腐性能好,清洗更方便,更符合制药,食品卫生法规要求。可配微机控制系统,使用更简便,效果更稳定。The contacting section with materials is made of imported stainless steel, which has been treated withpolished finish. The equipment has good wearability and is easier to clean, which measures up to the requirements of pharmacy and food hygiene law. It can be equipped with computer controlled system, which makes it easier to use and itseffects more stable. 


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