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 类型:   循环式电加热器  产品别名:   EX-XH-W/O/A
 用途:   100  材质:   介质加热

        我公司电伴热产品是在上海电缆研究所、南阳国家防爆电气研究所等单位帮助下,采用英国BS标准开发出来的。所有电热带及防爆电器附件均取得〝国家防爆电气产品质量监督检验中心〞认证。证书有效期到2011年6月。近几年来,我公司先后取得了ISO9001:2000质量体系证书和无锡市质量技术监督局颁发的检验合格证书。        循环式加热器是通过强迫对流体的方式对流体进行加热的。即在加热器一头用泵把流体泵进加热器,经加热器后,在加热器一头流出,是一种通过泵强制循环的一种加热方式。   Circulation heaters heat a liquid or a gas by forces convection, The fluid is pumbed in at one end of the hearter ,passes around the elements and discharge at the other end.特点Characteristics:体积小,功率大,循环式加热器内部主要采用浸入式加热器,最大功率达1MW。Compact size,big power,Circulation heater has immersion heater inside,Max power can be 1 MW.加热速度快,控温精度高,热效率高。Fast heating, high precision of tempt control and high thermal efficiency.应用范围宽,适应性强:循环式加热器可用于防爆或普通场合,它的防爆等级可达B级和C级,它的耐压可达20MPa。Wide range of application, high adaptability. Circulation type heater can be used either in normal situation or in anti explosive situation. Its protection of explosion grade can reach B or C and its pressure endurance reaches 20 MPa .加热温度高:循环式加热器设计最高工作温度可达650℃。High heating temperature:circulation type heater is designed to have max empt of 650℃.全自动化控制:通过循环式加热器控制系统设计,可方便实现出口温度、压力、流量等参数自动控制,并可与计算机联网,实现人机对话。Fully automatic control:by means of control system designing for the circulation heater it is easy to effect auto control of parameters like outlet tempt,pressure,and flow rate and connect it to computer network for man/machine conversation.寿命长,可靠性高:循环式加热器不同用途设计相应功率负荷,并采用多重保护,使得本加热器安全性和寿命大大增加。Long working life,high reliability: circulation heater is designed to have its power load correspond to different applications and has multiple-fold protection,so that safety and working life of the heater is greatly enhanced.


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