导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 仪器仪表 >> 试验箱及气候环境设备 >> 湿热试验箱
 适用范围:   北京原厂-北凯  工作室尺寸:   HGD-250 ((mm))
 电源:   380  湿度范围:   电子 ((Rh))
 温度范围:   -40℃~+100℃ ((℃))  材质:   30~98%

 本产品适用于电工、电子、仪器仪表及其它产品、零部件及材料在恒定的高、低温湿热环境下贮存、运输、使用时的适应性试验。This products will be suitable for adaptability tests for electrical, instruments, meter and other products, parts and materials in stock, transit and use in constant high/low temperature, and humidity and hot environment.●制冷技术Refrigeration technique制冷专家法国泰康/德国谷轮与我们一道设计开发制冷解决方案;保障制冷的长效性并确保符合环保要求。Together with refrigeration expert Taikang from France andCoolingfrom Germany,we designed and developed refrigeration plan to keep longer refrigeration effect according to environment protection.使用常规的制冷技术,可以轻松达到-20~+150℃ -40~+150℃ -70~+150℃-85~+150℃等不同的级别试验温度要求。By regular refrigeration technique, By regular refrigeration technique, we can satisfy different grade test temperature request, such as -20~+150℃    -40~+150℃ -70~+150℃-85~+150℃使用液氮制冷技术,可以做到超常规要求的-180℃~+150℃的要求。By liquid Nitrogen refrigeration technique, we can satisfy -180℃~+150℃.●腔体温、湿度控制技术Chamber temperature and humidity control technique专业的箱体构造设计结合高品质进口温度、湿度传感器和控制仪表,使工作腔体的温度和湿度得到精确控制,可以轻松满足常规试验的温度偏差控制要求。同样可以根据客户的要求,提供超高标准的精度控制。By special structure design of chamber with imported high quality temperature, humidity sensor and control meter, it is sure to keep precise controlling of chamber temperature and humidity, and easy to satisfy regular temperature mistakes controlling of test, meanwhile as requested, we can provide more exactly precise controlling.●控制系统Control system操作自动化、简单化是控制系统设计的方向,使用者可以对试验过程本身的投入更少的精力,而更多的时间用在对试验结果的研究。Auto and simple operation is the trend of controlling system design, user can spend more time on research of testing result.●制作工艺Process对制作工艺的高标准要求,使我们的产品在外观,部件制作质量方面,达到行业国际标准。By following high standard of process, our products is up to international standard from outside to quality of parts.●执行与满足标准及试验方法Standard and test methodsGB11158高温试验箱技术条件High temperature test chamber technique conditionsGB10589低温试验箱技术条件Low temperature test chamber technique conditionsGB10592-89高低温试验箱技术条件(温度交变) High/low temperature test chamber technique conditions(temperature alternating)GB/T2423.1-2001低温试验箱试验方法low temperature test chamber testing methodsGB/T2423.2-2001高温试验箱试验方法high temperature test chamber testing methodsGB/T2423.22-2001温度变化试验方法temperature changes testing methodsGJB150.3高温试验high temperature testGJB150.4低温试验low temperature test等国家试验标准etc, National test standard ●常规产品技术参数:Regular products technique data温度波动度Temp.Fluctuation:±0.5℃(可根据用户需求提高至0.1℃)(As request it will be 0.1℃)温度均匀度Temp.Uniformity:≤2.0℃(可根据用户需求提高至0.1℃)(As request it will be 0.1℃)温度偏差Temp.Warp:±2.0℃(可根据用户需求提高至0.1℃)(As request it will be 0.1℃)升温时间Heat Up Time   2-3℃/min(可根据用户需求提高至10℃以上)(As request it will be over 10℃)降温时间Pull Down Time0.7-1℃/min(可根据用户需求提高至10℃以上)(As request it will be over 10℃) 规格:sizes型号Model工作室尺寸(mm)working dimensions(D·W·H)箱体尺寸(mm)chamber size(D·W·H)HGD-100400×500×500950×880×1470HGD-150500×500×600985×932×1562HGD-250520×630×7801060×997×1740HGD-500700×800×9001182×1250×1880HGD-800800×1000×10001485×1520×2020HGD-0101000×1000×10001360×1500×1950(注:尺寸可根据您的要求定制。)(Remarks: sizes will be made as your request)●安全保护Safety protection安全配置:漏电保护、短路保护、压缩机超压保护、压缩机过载保护、风机过载保护、超温保护、相序/缺相保护Safety configuration: Current discharge protection,Circuit breaker protection, compressor over load/pressure protection, Fan over load protection, over temperature protections, phase sequence/shot phase protection.


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