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 类型:   多参数水质分析仪  初始样品重量≥5g时:   德国WTW ((kg))
 灵敏度:   PhotoFlex ((%))  量程:   6V ((mg))
 精度:   COD,总硬度,硫化物,重金属 ((%))  加热源:   ±0.01ph
 分辨率:   ±2nm ((pH))  测量范围:   实验室、工厂化验室、污水厂 ((S/mF.S))

pHotoFlex 便携式光度计 / pHotoFlex Turb多功能浊度仪 * pHotoFlex有6个波长,可测量mg/L浓度* 预置150多个测量程序,快速测定150多种物质浓度* 用户可自定义存储100种测量程序* 精巧的测量池适配器设计,适用于16mm,28mm测量管* 内置pH测量功能,可连接各种标准pH电极* pHotoFlex Turb可测量浊度,采用860nm波长,测量范围0-1100NTU* 可存储1000组测量数据,RS-232接口输出到PC或打印机* RS-232接口也可连接条码阅读器,可快速扫描测量试剂,并自动识别测量程序* 可选LabStation及LSdata数据处理软件便于数据分析* 巧妙的便携箱及托盘设计,无论在现场还是实验室应用都特别方便* 适用于各种水质测试应用,如环境监测,废水处理,饮料工业,酿酒工业,过程控制,多参数测量等    技术参数尺寸 236×86×117mm 重量 0.6 kg 防护等级 IP 67 环境条件 保存温度:-25~+65℃, 工作温度:0~+50℃ 电池 4AA×1.5V,5000次测量, (可选购充电电池组) AC适配器 输入:100~240VAC/50~60Hz,输出:9VDC/1.5A (选购) 数据输出 RS-232接口,AK540/B电缆连接PC,(选购)AK540/S电缆连接打印机,最大电缆长度15m 光度计参数 pHotoFlex光源 LED带滤色片 波长 436,517,557,594,610,690 nm, ±2nm 重复性 0.005 ABS 分辨率 0.001 测量时间 2秒 测量参数 浓度(150多种物质),吸光度,%透射率 测量范围 吸光度:-0.200-+2.000   透射率:1-150% 自定义 用户可自定义100种测量方法 pH测试参数  pH -2.00-+16.00pH, ±0.01pH U[mV] -1000-+1000mV, ±1mV T[℃] -5.0-+100℃, ±0.3℃ 浊度测量参数 pHotoFlex Turb 光源 红外LED,860nm,符合DIN EN ISO 7027 测量范围 0.01-1100 NTU/FNU 分辨率 0.01~9.99: 0.01NTU/FNU10.0~99.9: 0.1NTU/FNU100~1100: 1NTU/FNU 精度 ±2%读数,或±0.01NTU/FNU 测量时间 4秒 校准 0.02/10/1000NTU, 自动1-3点校准     标准配置  251100 pHotoflex,主机,28mm测量瓶2个/标签纸3片,16mm空白样1个,4AA电池,清洁布,使用手册,光盘251110 pHotoflex Turb,主机,0.02/10/1000浊度标准,28mm测量瓶2个/标签纸3片,16mm空白样1个,4AA池,清洁布,使用手册,光盘251200 pHotoFlex/SET,主机,携带箱,电极支架,测量瓶,SenTix 41 pH电极,5ml吸液管,4/7校准液,烧杯,螺丝刀,清洁布,PC电缆AK540/B,使用手册,光盘251210 pHotoFlex Turb/SET,主机,携带箱,电极支架,测量瓶,SenTix 41 pH电极,5ml吸液管,0.02/10/1000浊度标准,4/7校准液,烧杯,螺丝刀,清洁布,PC电缆AK540/B,使用手册,光盘   选购附件  251300 RB Flex/430,充电电池组,用于pHotoFlex和Turb 430251301 LS Flex/430,LabStation便携实验室,含软件,用于pHotoFlex和Turb 430251302 LK 28-Set,备用浊度测量瓶,28*60mm,3个/套,用于pHotoFlex和Turb 430  This page informs about WTW’s proceeding with respect to EC directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) , implemented into German law by the “Gesetz über das Inverkehrbringen, die Rücknahme und die umweltverträgliche Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten ( Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz – ElektroG )“.The statements made below on the disposal of no longer used WTW instruments apply bindingly only for customers inside Germany. Customers in other EC countries should contact their local distributor and/or their local authorities for correspondent information.One primary goal of the WEEE directive is to minimise the disposal of  WEEE as unsorted municipal waste and to achieve a high level of separate collection and recovery of WEEE.As a company committed to the protection of the environment WTW supports this goal expressly.WEEE may contain materials that are harmful to the environment and the human health and should by no means be disposed of together with the municipal waste.Proper disposal of WTW instruments taken finally out of useCan WEEE originating from WTW be handed over to the communal collection points for WEEE ?The answer is expressly no for the following reason:WTW instruments are designed for professional use and accordingly they have been approved as b2b (business to business) products by the competent german authority Stiftung EAR ( Elektro-Altgeräte Register) , where WTW is registered under WEEE-Reg.-Nr. 35575700. The b2b classifiaction implies that WTW does not have to pick up WEEE at the communal collection points as the ElektroG demands it from the producers of consumer EEE, and consequently our products are excluded from this path of disposal.Instead we offer our domestic customers to take back no longer used WTW instruments produced from 2006 on and properly dispose them free of charge.This complies with the announcement of EAR  that the producer’s obligation of disposal in the case of  b2b becomes effective for instruments supplied after 23.03.2006.The year of production can be identified from the first two figures of the serial number labeled on the instrument, e.g. 06… for 2006.Instruments for disposal must be sent in with prepaid postage and marked with "ZUR ENTSORGUNG".As a voluntary service to our customers we also take back instruments from before 2006 free of charge, if a new instrument with comparable function is purchased.In other cases we reserve the right, to charge a cost-covering disposal fee.            更多问题致电本司:021-51036276 传真:021-51064186


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