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  • 产品名称:供应余氯
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  • 上海宇启信息科技有限公司
  • 化工币: 105
  • 诚信指数:21   诚信等级:诚信等级:二星半级
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 类型:   多参数水质分析仪  初始样品重量≥5g时:   ABB ((kg))
 灵敏度:   AV401 ((%))   

Residual Chlorine MonitorResidual chlorine is one of the most important measurements for the effective monitoring of cooling, potable and industrial water treatment processes. ABB's new AW400 Residual Chlorine Monitoring System incorporates the features our customers need to monitor and control residual chlorine levels accurately and affordably. The design enables users to either connect up to three residual chlorine monitoring sensors to the system or to combine pH, ORP and residual chlorine sensors; thus reducing the cost of each measurement considerably.·     Total and Free Residual Chlorine Measurement– add potassium iodide to reagent to convert free chlorine measurement to total chlorine·     Reagentless Operation– reduced operating costs with reagentless operation at a pH of 7.5 or less·     Multiple Sensor Input Capability– reduced installation costs for multiple point monitoring operations·     Self Cleaning Sensor Assembly– prolongs sensor life and maintains accuracyResidual Chlorine ControllerResidual chlorine is one of the most important measurements for the effective monitoring of cooling, potable and industrial water treatment processes. ABB's new AW400 Residual Chlorine Monitoring System incorporates the features our customers need to monitor and control residual chlorine levels accurately and affordably. The design enables users to either connect up to three residual chlorine monitoring sensors to the system or to combine pH, ORP and residual chlorine sensors; thus reducing the cost of each measurement considerably.·     Total and Free Residual Chlorine Measurement– add potassium iodide to reagent to convert free chlorine measurement to total chlorine·     Reagentless Operation– reduced operating costs with reagentless operation at a pH of 7.5 or less·     Multiple Sensor Input Capability– reduced installation costs for multiple point monitoring operations·     Self Cleaning Sensor Assembly– prolongs sensor life and maintains accuracy 


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