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  • 东莞市海达仪器有限公司
  • 化工币: 105
  • 诚信指数:21   诚信等级:诚信等级:二星半级
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  • 电话:86-0512-55112377  
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  • 公司地址:广东省东莞市道滘镇蔡白第一工业区
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 类型:   海达仪器  适用范围:   HD-704
 电源:   热老化箱  功率:   本机在促进加硫橡胶之劣化,以计算加热前后拉力及伸长之变化率。 ((W))
 工作室尺寸:   1∮,AC220V, 15A ((mm))  温度范围:   500×500×600 ((℃))
 材质:   常温~200℃   

老化箱、老化试验机HD-704产品简介:本产品可做二种测试:老化与耐黄变老化:本机可促进加硫橡胶之劣化,以计算加热前后拉力及伸长之变化率,一般认为在70 ℃下测试一天,理论上相当于暴露在大气中6个月的时间。耐黄:本机是模拟大气环境中,受阳光紫外线照射,外观变化一般认为在50℃下测试9小时,理论上相当于暴露在大气中6个月的时间。 设计标准:JIS-P8127、ASTM D1148 老化箱,耐黄变老化箱,老化箱厂家直销主要技术参数:海达仪器有限公司总部设于台湾台中县,成立于1988年,长久以来作为精密检测仪器的综合制造商,贡献于世界工业之发展。为了在内地更好发展,在东莞成立东莞市海达仪器有限公司,专业从事研发、生产与销售各种检测仪器设备。     海达仪器产品广泛应用于纸品、包装、油墨印刷、胶粘带、箱包、制鞋、皮革、环境、玩具、婴儿用品、五金电子、塑料橡胶等众多行业,且适用于各科研单位、质检机构、学术探讨等领域;公司产品符合UL、ASTM、JIS、GB、ISO、TAPPI、EN、DIN、BS…等国内国际标准。主营产品:纸箱抗压试验机,破裂机,破裂强度试验机,环压试验机,环压机,边压试验机,振动试验机,振动台,模拟运输振动台,拉力机,拉力试验机,电子式拉力机,恒温恒湿箱,恒温恒湿试验机,跌落试验机,万能材料试验机,老化箱,冷热冲击试验机,冷热冲击箱,胶带保持力试验机,剥离强度试验机     本公司拥有先进的加工设备、精湛的制造工艺,且注重人力资源的开发和维护,长期以来培养了强有力的研发和制造团队,为制造高质量的产品提供强有力的保证。我们一直坚持“品质至上,诚信服务”的原则,依据客户不同需求,不断挑战自我,精益求精,使公司得到快速发展,与来自国内国外各地的客户,诚信互助,密切合作,成为生意上之合作伙伴。     公司服务:海达全体公司员工秉承“质量源于精密,品质创造未来”的经营理念,积极认真地服务于每一客户,以使海达仪器品牌之消费者可买的开心,用的安心。    Haida Equipment Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Taiwan, Taichung County, and was established in 1988, it has long been integrated as a sophisticated detection equipment manufacturers, contribute to the development of the world's industry. In order to better development in the Mainland, Dongguan Haida equipment Co., Ltd., was established in Dongguan, and specializes in R & D, production and sales of a variety of testing equipment.     Haida equipment products are widely used in paper products, packaging, ink printing, adhesive tape, bags, footwear, leather, environment, toys, baby products, hardware, electronics, plastics, rubber and many other industries, and applicable to all scientific research units, quality inspection institutions, the academic fields of study; company's products meet UL, ASTM, JIS, GB, ISO, TAPPI, EN, DIN, BS ... and other domestic and international standards.     The company has advanced processing equipment, exquisite manufacturing technology, and focus on human resource development and maintenance of long cultivated a strong R & D and manufacturing team, for the manufacture of high-quality products and provide a strong guarantee. We have always insisted "quality first, sincere service" principle, based on changing customer needs, and constantly challenge themselves, excellence, the company developed rapidly, and from all over domestic and foreign clients, good faith mutual assistance, in close co-operation has become the business co-operation partner.     Company Services: Haida all employees adhering to the " Quality comes from precision, quality creates the future " business philosophy, actively and conscientiously to serve each client in order to Haida equipment brand consumers happy to buy with peace of mind.


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