导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 仪器仪表 >> 温度仪表 >> 双金属温度计
 类型:   M202143  结构型式:   隔爆式双金属温度计
 测量范围:   美国 ((℃))  量程:   -40℃-204℃ ((℃))

联系人:武先生电  话:010-62980534/59410808传  真:010-62981256/62975247邮  箱:z6@aoccc.orgQQ:1462663658网站:www.62965544.com       ThermoProbe防爆安全温度计(34M)TPF1-TP-5C型防爆安全温度计安全等级:EEx ib IIB T4温度范围:-40℃-204℃精度:±0.2电池类型:2AAA电缆长度:34m标准温度探头The TPF1-TP-5C has all of the best qualities of the old TPF1-TP-5 and incorporates the latest and most reliable technology into its electronics and probe assembly. Many customers have used the TP-5 over the years and have wanted to have a more robust and powerful version. You will truly appreciate the improvements found in the TPF1-TP-5C.The TPF1-TP-5C employs the proven RTD sensor design that has been used in the TPF1-TP-7 and TPF1-TP-8 for many years. A sealed industrial quality overlay now provides a user interface that is easy to use with gloves. A sealed, anodized aluminum enclosure protects the circuit board and large LCD from penetration by impact, water, and reactive liquids. An auto-off feature has been added to save battery life.The new TPF1-TP-5C circuit board is an evolutionary step up from our highly accurate, reliable and successful TL-1 laboratory thermometer. The Power Button\'s primary function powers the instrument for intervals of about 20 minutes since the last button was accessed. The Power Button can also be used to conserve power and clear the memory, or to make adjustment while in calibration mode. A simple menu operation is displayed by holding the Function Button, and alternately functions to allow adjustments in the calibration mode. Arrows on the left side of the display show the direction of the temperature reading and whether stability has been reached. At the user\'s discretion stabilized temperatures can be logged at numerous liquid levels for a running average and later displayed for the user\'s documenting purposes. But this feature never interferes with simply getting an accurate temperature reading.To endure the environment and be intrinsically safe, the TPF1-TP-5C is manufactured of materials, which are both immune to petrochemicals and are non-sparking. The probe assembly is constructed with a static-dissipating, non-stick cable, with stainless steel sensor components.Operational Attributes:Easily replaceable AAA Batteries, provides an estimated *100 hours operation. Circuit logic automatically indicates low battery condition, automatically shuts off after twenty minutes, shows temperature trend and stabilization, displays error codes for failure determination. The low power backlight for night operation is photo sensor controlled for convenience and battery conservation. In nighttime conditions the backlight illuminates the display. Celsius or Fahrenheit units with C/F indication can be easily chosen from the Function Button. User Manual explains intuitive calibration procedure that can be done through the external faceplate buttons.Includes:NIST traceable calibration certificateLimited WarrantyThermoTab Gauging Software for PalmOS12' (4m) TPF1-TP-5C Railcar (No Weight) Probe or 50' (15m) TP-5C, Standard Weight Probe分类:优势,囯际直购


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