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肌松监测仪(爱尔兰)爱尔兰 TOF-Watch SX肌松监测仪具有以下特点:1、有自动探测传感器和刺激电极,大而清晰的显示界面,低电流模式可适用于持续或间断的肌松监测,提供了所有的刺激模式:单次刺激(ST)、四个成串刺激(TOF)、强直刺激(TET)、强直刺激后计数(PTC)、双短强直刺激(DBS).稳定电流设计保证刺激的可靠性,即便皮肤的电阻发生改变.校正功能也能简化刺激模式中对照颤搐高度的设定.2、标配表面温度探头和神经定位功能;3、随机赠送术后专用分析软件。TOF-Watch SX肌松监测仪配置单编号 名称 数量01 肌松监测仪主机 102 刺激电极 103 加速度传感器 104 神经刺激探头 105 拇指固定器 106 数据传输缆线和接 107 软件安装盘 108 操作手册 109 温度探头 1英文资料:TOF-Watch SX is the most advanced device in the TOF-Watch range of neuromuscular transmission monitors. The instrument incorporates all features required for routine daily use. Fully compliant with Good Clinical Practice guidelines, it is equally suited for use in clinical studies.NEW Optional Feature!Now compatible with Phillips medical systems monitors. Click to learn more.Flexible useTOF-Watch SX can be used as a peripheral nerve stimulator, as a nerve locator for local anesthesia or as a neuromuscular monitor. And TOF-Watch SX can also be linked to a PC for real-time display of data that can later be exported and printed for record keeping.FeaturesTOF-Watch SX is programmed to accommodate every type of stimulation pattern currently in use:Single twitch (ST) - at 0.1 or 1 HzTrain Of Four (TOF)Slow TOF (user programmable time intervals from 1 to 60 min.)Tetanic stimulation (at 50 or 100 Hz)Post Tetanic Count (PTC)Double Burst stimulation (DBS 3.3 and 3.2)These patterns can also be adjusted manually using the "P button."A constant current feature guarantees reliable stimulation even with increased skin resistance (up to 5 kOhm).TOF-Watch SX has two automatic calibration modes, one at a user predetermined current and one which establishes the supramaximal value of the stimulation current. Manual gain adjustment is also available.A superficial temperature sensor completes the package.TOF-Watch SX presents all relevant data (twitches, body temperature, transducer sensitivity, stimulation mode, etc.) on an easy-to-read LCD display.TOF LinkTOF Link, a fiber-optic cable facility, enables on-line data "dumping" from TOF-Watch SX to a PC without reciprocal electromagnetic interference with other OR or ICU appliances. During operations, data can be logged using the TOF-Watch SX Monitor program. In this way, detailed and authentic operation records can be created.The TOF-Watch SX Monitor software makes a real-time data accessible for further processing on a personal computer. Its two basic functions are:Logging and display of real-time recorded data on personal computersExporting and printing of previous recorded dataGood Clinical Practice conformityDuring on-line data dumping, standard pre/programmed comments or other user comments can be added to patient recordings. Such comments can later be completed or changed. Program use is password controlled: the password can only be assigned by a main user.Microprocessor-controlled Custom designedLCD with numerical presentation of twitch dataAutomatic Calibration:Automatic adjustment for optimal gain and 100% referenceStimulation Modes:TOF (Train of Four)PTC (Post Tetanic Count)1 Hz twitch0.1 Hz twitchDBS 3.3 and 3.2 (Double burst)Tetanic stimulation (Burst), 5 sec - 50 Hz or 100HzOutput:(accuracy ± 5% of display value)Surface electrodesConstant current, 0 - 60 mA (0 - 12 µC up to 5 kOhmMonophasic, 200 µs pulse widthNeedle electrodesConstant current, 0 - 6 mA or (0 - 0.24 µC)Monophasic, 40 µs pulse widthTransducer:Acceleration transducer (accuracy ±5% of full scale value)Battery:9V Alkaline or NiCd (6LR61 / 6AM6)Supply voltage:9V=, 100 mA maxType:BFWeight:Approximately .55 lbs. with batteryDimensions:8 x 3.6 x 2 inchesStandardStimulation cable for surface electrodeAcceleration transducerThermistor probe for TOF-Watch SX onlyOptionalStimulation cable for local anesthesiaMounting bracketHand adapterArm boardTOF-Link including software for TOF-Watch SX only肌松监测仪(含主机,软件和USB线,局部麻醉电缆,适配器,四号钳等全套系统) 爱尔兰JKY/TOF-Watch SX 质量服务承诺:1.质保期十八个月,终生免费维护。2.在质保期内,除人为因素外,任何因仪器设计、材料或工艺不当引起的缺陷、故障我们免费修理或更换。3.接到用户通知所提供的仪器出现故障后,十分钟内回应。4.保证及时向用户以最优惠的价格提供所需的备品备件和易损件。www.baiyongzhao.com.cnwww.netchina.net北京中西远大科技有限公司 联系人:廖小姐 电话:010-82782463移动电话:13381428885公司承诺:一年质保,终身维护!本公司生产   射照度计/ 紫外强度计、射照度计/ 紫外强度计、辐射类/紫外辐射计 /紫外线辐射计 /紫外照度计 /紫外线照度计/ 紫外辐照计 /紫外线辐、辐射类/个人剂量计/个人辐射音响仪/射线检测仪/辐射仪 、辐射类/闪烁γ辐射仪/射线检测仪/放射性检测仪(国产优势)、辐射类/石材放射性检测仪/辐射防护用х、γ辐射剂量当量率仪/射线检测仪/辐射仪 、测仪/智能化γ辐射仪(石材,钢材,核医疗,不含证书,国产优势)、辐射类/放射性检测仪/射线检、辐射类/放射性检测仪/射线检测仪/智能化γχ辐射仪 、水质硬度仪 优势产品 、便携式水质分析仪(温度 盐度 溶氧度 pH 氨氮 硫化氢 )、中文盐浓度计 (测量介质NaCL!) 、中文碱浓度计 (测量介质NaOH!) 、便携应急检测型COD测定仪 、移动式静电接地报警器 、普通电子天平(1000g/0.1g) 、植株养分测定仪/植株养分速测仪 优势产品 、SF6气体检漏仪 美国 现货 优势 、台式电导仪 、便携数显微量氧分仪 、手持式烟气分析仪 、便携式综合烟气分析仪 、电阻箱/启动电阻/电阻器(国产优势) 、粉体综合特性测试仪/粉末综合特性测试仪/粉末特性测试仪/粉体特性分析仪/粉体综合特性分析仪/粉末综合特性测试仪/粉末特性分析仪/粉体特性分析仪 、便携式三合一气体检测仪 、数显式推拉力计(传感器外置优势)、便携式风向风速仪/三杯轻风表(铝合金箱包装,国产) 二联不锈钢全自动溶液过滤器(悬浮物抽滤装置)/不锈钢过滤器/实验室薄膜过滤器 整套价格 、四联不锈钢全自动溶液过滤器(悬浮物抽滤装置)/不锈钢过滤器/实验室薄膜过滤器 整套价格、防爆型钳型接地电阻仪(长形钳口或圆形)(国产) 、便携式风向风速仪/三杯轻风表(铝合金箱包装,国产)、螺旋测微仪(数显)肌松监测仪(含主机,软件和USB线,局部麻醉电缆,适配器,四号钳等全套系统) 爱尔兰JKY/TOF-Watch SX


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