导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 安防、节能、环保 >> 防爆电气 >> 防爆灯具
 电压:   白炽灯 ((V))  光源功率:   200(W) ((W))
 光源类型:   220(V)  频率:   IP55 ((HZ))
 材质:   化工   

一、适用范围:1、爆炸性气体混合物危险场所:2区。2、爆炸性气体混合物ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC。3、温度组别:T1~T2。4、防爆标志:ExeⅡT2。二、产品特点:1、结构轻巧、造型美观、 具有防水、防尘、防腐等功能。2、外壳采用优质铝合金板拉伸成形,表面喷塑。3、灯罩能快速开启,便于维修。4、镇流器、接线盒可由用户选配。5、钢管或电缆布线均可。三、主要技术参数型号额定电压额定功率防爆标志电缆外经灯泡种类灯座代号进口螺纹G"ZXBGL-Z125□220 V125 WExd ⅡT3Φ10-14mm自镇汞灯E273/4ZXBGL-B200□200 W白炽灯 ZXBGL-G125□125 W高压汞灯 ZXBGL-L100□100 W金属卤灯 四、主要外形尺寸及安装形式:五:型号含义: ■安装、使用与维修 ﹒安装前应检查本产品铭牌上所列基本数据是否与实际使用条件相符﹒产品应可靠接地﹒无论何种接线须将引入装置密封圈压。﹒维修时必须切断前级电源后开盖﹒引入装置密封圈和橡胶垫均采用耐油橡胶3001制造,用户在使用、维修过程中若发现老化应与制造厂联系定购,并及时更换以确保防爆性能﹒周围环境温度为-20~+400C﹒周围空气相对湿度不大于95%﹒在无显著摇动和冲出振动的地方    □Installation usage, maintenance. ﹒Check the data before install it.﹒Product should be link to ground.﹒Cable should pressurized in to airproof quoit.﹒cut off power before maintenance.﹒In-build System and the rubber circle are made of oil-proof 3001, youshould contact our factory if the airproof quoit is damaged.﹒The environment temperature is-20~+400C﹒The relative humidity of the air around the equipment is not over95%﹒No distinct shaking,concussion and libration  ■安装、使用与维修 ﹒安装前应检查本产品铭牌上所列基本数据是否与实际使用条件相符﹒产品应可靠接地﹒无论何种接线须将引入装置密封圈压。﹒维修时必须切断前级电源后开盖﹒引入装置密封圈和橡胶垫均采用耐油橡胶3001制造,用户在使用、维修过程中若发现老化应与制造厂联系定购,并及时更换以确保防爆性能﹒周围环境温度为-20~+400C﹒周围空气相对湿度不大于95%﹒在无显著摇动和冲出振动的地方    □Installation usage, maintenance. ﹒Check the data before install it.﹒Product should be link to ground.﹒Cable should pressurized in to airproof quoit.﹒cut off power before maintenance.﹒In-build System and the rubber circle are made of oil-proof 3001, youshould contact our factory if the airproof quoit is damaged.﹒The environment temperature is-20~+400C﹒The relative humidity of the air around the equipment is not over95%﹒No distinct shaking,concussion and libration   ■安装、使用与维修 ﹒安装前应检查本产品铭牌上所列基本数据是否与实际使用条件相符﹒产品应可靠接地﹒无论何种接线须将引入装置密封圈压。﹒维修时必须切断前级电源后开盖﹒引入装置密封圈和橡胶垫均采用耐油橡胶3001制造,用户在使用、维修过程中若发现老化应与制造厂联系定购,并及时更换以确保防爆性能﹒周围环境温度为-20~+400C﹒周围空气相对湿度不大于95%﹒在无显著摇动和冲出振动的地方    □Installation usage, maintenance. ﹒Check the data before install it.﹒Product should be link to ground.﹒Cable should pressurized in to airproof quoit.﹒cut off power before maintenance.﹒In-build System and the rubber circle are made of oil-proof 3001, youshould contact our factory if the airproof quoit is damaged.﹒The environment temperature is-20~+400C﹒The relative humidity of the air around the equipment is not over95%﹒No distinct shaking,concussion and libration   有防爆的地方 就有志信电气 


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