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  • 上海颂兴电器科技有限公司 .
  • 化工币: 20
  • 诚信指数:4   诚信等级:诚信等级:半星级
  • 荣誉证书:0 项
  • 联系人:
  • 电话:86-021-51275695   13564756185
  • 邮箱:
  • 公司地址:中国 上海 上海市普陀区 武宁路350号联合大厦555室
  • (联系时,请一定说明是从全球石油化工网看到的)
  • 最近供应 | 诚信档案 | 企业介绍
 保护功能:   -30-+40(℃)  插座制式:   10(A)
 工作电压:   380(V) ((v))  插孔:   ISO9001
 额定电压:   优质冷轧钢板 ((V))   

公司简介上海颂兴电器科技有限公司是一家集技术研发、加工生产、销售为一体的专业钣金产品生产商。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有专业的设计队伍、丰富的开发设计制造经验,制作工艺先进,生产运营品质体系完善。公司拥有先进的数控加工设备:AMADA-AC2510、AMADA-AC255数控冲床、LET-T3数控冲床、AMADA-RG1030、AMADA-RG100数控折弯机、20-100吨冲床、氩弧焊、PU密封条发泡机、全封闭静电喷涂生产线等高精度的钣金加工设备,拉丝氧化、镀锌、镀镍、丝印等也形成了全方位的配套服务体系。产品广泛用于计算机数据网络、通讯网络、交通、市政、船舶制造、航空航天、环保、广播电视、自动控制、工控、监控等系统工程以及其它众多领域。加工经营范围:专业加工销售颂兴品牌机柜(箱):SXEB控制箱、SXAE挂壁箱、SXBG总线箱、SXAK接线箱、SXES控制柜、SXPC电脑柜、SXFR工控机柜、SXBG不锈钢总线箱、SXAE不锈钢箱、SXAP琴室控制台及其附件、铝型材机箱插箱(1U-9U)、19英寸标准机柜、网络机柜、机柜空调系统、风机过滤器、温控器等。承揽各种标准非标钣金、铜铝金属材料制品的设计加工销售。经营理念:客户的需求是我们工作的基础,客户的满意是我们努力的目标。诚信为本、稳健经营,创自主品牌、做行业精品。追求可持续发展,创建与合作伙伴的和谐美好的双赢局面。Brief introductionShangHai SongXing Electricity Technology Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of metal product,it provides all-encompassing services including a full range of design,manufacture,selling functions.our technology is tremendous and we embrace professional sign team ,abundant experience in exploiting, design, manufacture.Our technology is advanced and our quality is improving and perfect in manufactureand business.Our company possess advanced digital controlled equipment:AMADA-AC2510、AMADA-AC255、LET-T3digital controlled punch,AMADA-RG1030、AMADA-RG100digital controlled folding machine、20-100t.punch、argon welding、PU sealing stripfoam machine、entirely sealing static electricity spurt paint beltline etc.,and wiredrawing oxidation、zinc plated、nickel plated、silk-screen etc.are all formed total position system in complement service .   Our products are widely used in computer data network、communication network、transportation、municipal administration、shipping manufacture、aerospace、environmental protection、broadcasttelevision automatic control industrial control system monitoring control system etc.Management range   professional manufacturer and selling SongXing' brand cabinet(box),SXEBcontrol box、SXAE hanging wall box、SXBGassembly wiring box、SXAK wiring box、SXEScontrol cabinet、SXPCcomputer cabinet、SXFRindustrial controlcabinet、SXBG stainless steelassembly wiring box、SXAE stainless steelbox、SXAPpiano consoleas well as accessories、AL section steel insertion box(1U-9U)、19”inch standard cabinet、network cabinet、cabinetair-conditioning system、ventilator filter、temperature controller etc.. Besides, we also contract various non-standard steel sheet Cu、Al metal material products about their design, manufacture,selling.Management ideaRequiremens of Customer is the foundation of our work, satisfaction of Customer is the goal of our effort.Honest & trustworthiness are the fundamental and our managements are steady,Set up ours own brand、make meticulous products in profession.Seek continued development,establish a harmonious and fine mutual-profits phase.


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