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  • 慈溪市横河镇恒鑫电讯器材厂
  • 化工币: 105
  • 诚信指数:21   诚信等级:诚信等级:二星半级
  • 荣誉证书:0 项
  • 联系人:
  • 电话:86 0574 63190513   13806643321
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  • 公司地址:中国 浙江 慈溪市 浙江省慈溪市横河镇梅湖村航渡
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 型号:   恒鑫  品牌:   HX-A107

   宁波市金泽通信设备有限公司(原慈溪市横河镇恒鑫电讯器材厂)始建于1994年,经过10余年的发展,已成为一家从事通信产品研发、生产、销售为一体的实业型企业。公司位于中国东海之滨、沿海经济发达的慈溪匡堰工业园区。地理位置优越,交通便捷,紧靠沪杭甬高速公路,距宁波国际机场 65公里,萧山国际机场100公里,宁波国际集装箱码头60公里,杭州湾跨海大桥9公里。    公司主要生产:50对、100对、200对110跳线架,超5类110跳线架,6芯、12芯一体化熔接盘及光纤盘,25对高频模块,25对压接模块,66M模块,卡接模块,3M2810免工具接续模块,24扣、48扣配线架,超5类配线架(LT),理线架,走线槽,超5类、6类模块,信息面板,分线盒等综合布线系列产品和各类网络布线工具;以及25﹑100回线保安排,32﹑128回线测试排,各类型保安单元,告警装置,安装机架等总配线架系列通信产品。畅销全国各地及美国、澳大利亚、德国、俄罗斯、芬兰、荷兰、丹麦、土耳其、挪威、瑞典、葡萄牙、新加坡和马来西亚等国家。客户来自于电信、网通、移动、电力、铁路等领域。大部分客户已成为公司长期合作伙伴。    金泽始终以 “品质、服务”为指导方针,“团结、务实、开拓、创新”为精神,坚持 “ 质量就是生命,服务就是灵魂 ” 的原则,树立 “ 客户在我心中,质量在我手中 ” 的理念,不断追求高品质、高效益、高科技的发展领域,以先进的生产技术和严谨的科学管理来打造一流的产品。    欢迎各界人士来电垂询,考察指导,我们将竭诚为您服务。Ningbo, Jinze Telecommunication Equipment Co., Ltd. (original name: Cixi Hengxin Telecommunication Equipment Factory) was founded in 1994. After more than 10 years of development, it has become an industrial enterprise engaged in invention, production and sales. Our company is located on the coast of the East China Sea and in the coastal economically developed Industrial Zone---Cixi Kuangyan Industrial Zone. It is in a favorable location and enjoys convenient transportation, close to Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, 65 kilometers away from Ningbo International Airport, 100 kilometers away from Xiaoshan International Airport,60 kilometers away from Ningbo International Container Terminal and only 9 kilometers from Hangzhou Bay Bridge.Our company mainly produces: 50 pairs, 100 pairs, 200 pairs 110 wiring block,Cat5e 110 wiring block;6-core & 12 core splice tray and fiber optic splice tray;25 pairs high-frequency module, 25 pairs crimping module,66M module,Clamp Module,3M2810 Tool-Free Connector Module; 24 buttons & 48 button patch panel, Cat5e patch panel(LT),Cable Rack Management, Cable Tray, Cat5e and Cat6e module,face plate,junction box and other cabling products and tools; 25 & 100 return wire insurance arrangements, 32 & 128 return wire testing arrangement as well as various types of security modules, alarm device, install rack series of communications products. The products are sold all over China and the United States, Australia, Germany, Russia, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark,Turkey, Norway, Sweden, Portugal,Singapore,Malaysia and other countries.Jinze always keeps “quality service”as the guiding principle and “unity, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative” as the spirit, adheres to the “quality is life, service is the soul” principle, establishes a “customer in my mind, the quality in my hand” idea and holds a constant pursuit of high-quality, high efficiency, high-tech development. With advanced production technology and strict and scientific management, it is aimed to create first-class products.  Welcome to call for more information.    宁波市金泽通信设备有限公司(业务部)黄建益手机:15958275375电话:0574-63537939   传真:0574-63190128服务QQ:105810031 E-mail:arthur@chinajinze.comEMS:brightyi@live.cn公司网址:www.chinajinze.com  HX-A107 50对110跳线架(有腿无腿均可)


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