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 额定电流:   ISO9001:2000 ((A))   

型号LZZJ-10Q额定电流10KV(A)安装方式引线输出安装应用范围测量种类电流互感器 产品名称:LZZJ-10(Q) LZZJ-10G 型电流互感器产品类型:10kV电流互感器 LZZJ-10(Q)  LZZJ-10G  型电流互感器   CURRENT TRANSFORMER TYPE LZZJ-10(Q) LZZJ-10G一、概述(Description)        本型电流互感器为环氧树脂浇注绝缘全封闭式产品,适用于额定频率50Hz或60Hz、额定电压10kV及以下的户内电力线路及设备中作电流、电能测量和继电保护用。本型电流互感器体积小、重量轻、绝缘性能优越、精度高、动热稳定倍数高。产品符合IEC44-1:1996及GB1208-1997《电流互感器》标准。       The current transformer of the type LZZJ-10(Q) is casting resin and fully enclosed indoor product. It is used for metering current and electric energy, relay protection in the electrical system of rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage 10kV. The current transformer has the character of small volume, lightweight, superior insulation, high accuracy, high dynamic multiple and so on. The transformer can be executed according to the standards IEC44-1:1998 and GB1208-1997《Current transformer》.      三、结构简介(Construction) 本型电流互感器为全封闭结构,一、二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,耐污染及潮湿。 The current transformer is fully enclosed. The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of antipollution and moisture proof.  四、技术参数(Technical data) 1. 额定绝缘水平:12/42/75 kV。(Rated insulation level 12 / 42 / 75 kV.)2. 额定频率:50Hz 、60Hz。(Rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz.)3. 额定二次电流:5A 、1A。(Rated secondary current 5A or 1A.)4. 局部放电水平符合GB1208-1997《电流互感器》标准。(The conditions of the partial discharge test are in accord with the standard GB1208-1997《Current transformer》with be fulfilled without exception.)5. 可以制造计量用0.2S或0.5S级高精度电流互感器。(We can make high precision current transformer of class 0.2S or 0.5S for measuring).6. 额定一次电流、准确级组合、额定输出及额定动、热稳定电流见表1-3。 (Rated primary current accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form 1-3 ) 型 号Type额定一次电流Rated primary current (A)准确级组合Accuracy classes combination额定输出Rated output(VA)短时热稳定电流Short-time thermal current (kA/S)额定动稳定电流Rated dynamic current(kA)0.2S0.20.510P10LZZJ-10(Q)LZZJ-10G200.2S/0.2S0.2/0.20.2S/10P100.2/10P100.5/10P100.2S/10P10/10P100.2/10P10/10P100.5/10P10/10P10101015151.6/2430,403.15/28506.3/216575100,1508/22020012.5/231.530020/250400500,60025/46380015202031.5/4801000LZZJ-10(Q)LZZJ-10G二次抽头双变比20-300.2S/0.2S0.2/0.20.2S/10P100.2/10P100.5/10P1010P10/10P10101015151.6/2430-403.15/2840-5050-756.3/216575-100100-1508/220150-20012.5/431.5200-300300-40020/450400-600600-80015152025/463800-100031.5/480 注:客户如有特殊要求,可与我们协商后确定。Note :Any special requirement may be negotiated with us.


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