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供应硅橡胶高压隔离开关HGW9-12G/400A、630A、1000A HGW9-12G系列户外交流高压隔离开关是交流50赫兹、10千伏电力系统中的单相户外装置,在有电压而无负载条件下合电路之用。GW9-12G、HGW9-12G Outdoor AC High-voltage Isolation Switch is applied to low voltage systems for the exchange of 50Hz and 10KV outdoor electrical equipment installed which is only if the voltage without load to divide and merge the electrocircuit.  技术参数   Main Technical Data型号Type额定电压Rated Voltage额定电流Rated Current4S热稳定电流4S Thermal-stable Current动稳定电流Dynamic-stable Current冲击耐压(KV)Impulse Voltage工频耐压(KV)Power Frequency Recovery VoltageKVAKAKV相对地Earth断口Fracture相对地Earth断口FractureGW9-12G GW9-12GW HGW9-12G HGW9-12GW1240012.531.5758542486302050100031.580   使用条件  Service Condition1、 海拔高度(Altitude):≤1000m;2、 环境温度(Temperature):-40℃~+40℃;3、 风   压(Wind Pressure):≤ 700Pa(相当于风速35m/s);4、地震烈度(Earthquake Intensity):≤8度5、使用场所(Installation Site):无煤炸、无腐蚀金属、破坏绝缘体的有害气体及无剧烈振动等。No coal fried, no corrosion to metal, no harmful gases to destruct the insulation and no excessive vibration.  功能与特点: Function and Features1.开关的额定电流有:400A、630A、1000A。2.开关供三相线路系统单相使用,其结构简单、经济,使用方便。3.设有固定拉钩和自锁装置,灵活可靠,采用绝缘勾棒操作。4.导线和横担、杆塔有足够的绝缘,电力设备的安全和实用性高,能承受运行中导线垂直方向的荷重和水平方向的拉力。5.电气性能好,机械强度高。1. Switches’ rated current: 400A, 630A, 1000A.2. Switches for the use of three-phase line system of single-phase line and its structure simple and economical, easy to use. 3. With fixed retractors and self-locking devices, they are flexible and reliable and operated by insulated hook stick.4. Wires, cross arms and pole towers have adequate insulation so as to ensure the high security and availability of electrical equipment. This isolation switchcan withstand the wires operating vertical load and horizontal tension.5. Good electrical properties, high mechanical strength.   佛山市顺德区万源电器厂在电力行业中,万源是一家领先的电力设备制造企业,致力于中国经济建设已有30多年,为社会提供着最优质最可靠的电源设备支持与系统保证,并具备一支专业团队为您提供优质的服务和保障。服务热线:0757-23355345   23331635QQ:1412466062公司主页:http://www.fswanyuan.com阿里巴巴网站:http://wanyuan2000.cn.alibaba.com淘宝网站:http://dianqichang.taobao.com/百贸网:http://wanyuan.cn.baimao.comEmail:madeinchinafs@foxmail.com公司邮箱:wanyuanelectricity@hotmail.com 


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