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  ·The Precise Finite Difference Method for Seismic Mod

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上 传 者:王楠 下载次数:7
上传时间:2009-09-07 16:17:57

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3-D seismic modeling can be used to study the propagation of seismic wave exactly and it is also a tool of 3-D seismic data processing and interpretation. In this paper the arbitrary difference and precise integration are used to solve seismic wave equation, which means difference scheme for space domain and analytic integration for time domain. Both the principle and algorithm of this method are introduced in the paper. Based on the theory, the numerical examples prove that this hybrid method can lead to higher accuracy than the traditional finite difference method and the solution is very close to the exact one. Also the seismic modeling examples show the good performance of this method even in the case of complex surface conditions and complicated structures.

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