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  ·geoframe4.1 Geology office

资料星级: 资料格式:pdf
上 传 者:chengyi_87 下载次数:50
上传时间:2009-06-01 13:38:38

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This two-day course is designed to teach geological interpreters the skills required to effectively manage and interpret geoscience data using GeoFrame geological software applications.
The primary goal of this course is to present a common geological workflow for basic geologicalinterpretation and to teach not only the functionality of each application but to also demonstrate the benefit of integration available within the GeoFrame Geology Office software.
This course focuses on the basic Geology Office applications; WellPix, ResSum, Composite and Cross Section. The use of Basemap, LithoQuickLook (a sub module of Litho ToolKit), WellEdit and GeoViz Explore are also introduced as part of the geological workflow.
This training manual is structured to contain an introduction to each application, which is then followed by the exercises. The introduction to each application should give you valuable guidelines prior to performing the exercises on each of the products. The course participant should still refer to the GeoFrame BookShelf for each individual product user‘s guid for more detailed information.
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