访艾默生流量部 业务总监张运才

[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2008-10-22  来源:《石油与装备》  关注度:0]
摘要: 服务永无止境 ??访艾默生过程管理中国区流量部总监张运才 High-quality Service Forever ??Interview with Zhang Yuncai, Sales Director of Flowmeter...

服务永无止境 ??访艾默生过程管理中国区流量部总监张运才
High-quality Service Forever ??Interview with Zhang Yuncai, Sales Director of Flowmeter 
Department of Emerson Process Management in China 

□ 《石油与装备》记者 / 姜娜 覃珧 / 译   来源:《石油与装备》/ 振威石油网
Reporter / Jiang Na Translator / Qin Yao 








投资中国 实现本地化服务 

目前,爱默生在中国已经有许多成功的应用案例。 如在石油上游开采中,大庆、塔里木、吐哈、克拉玛依油田,中石化西北公司及塔河分公司油田等均广泛采用爱默生的质量流量计;管道与罐区装/卸船、装车计量中,国内的白沙湾灌区、仪长原油管线、柯可亚??泽普原油管线、丘陵及巴卡原稳及湛江港务局的灌区扩建和中海油泸州沥青公司的码头原油卸船计量等也有所应用;油品交接计量方面,原油进炼厂炼油装置的项目中,中石化镇海炼化公司的2#常减压装置改造项目、中海油大榭石化公司的常减压装置Ⅰ期及改造、Ⅱ期常减压装置项目、中石化镇海炼化公司的原油调和项目等都有应用。 


持续改进产品 永不满足现状 

“流量技术的发展一定是伴随着客户的需求在发展,只有你的产品、服务满足客户需求,甚至超出他们的需求,才能真正的被市场所认可。产品不仅要做到满足实际需要,更要做到尽善尽美,应该对产品有一个持续改进的过程。”张运才解释到,艾默生从上到下贯彻的一种文化叫 “系统性思维、持续改进”,即要有永不满足的精神。这个系统性思维一个核心部分就是以客户的需求为导向,立足于现在,设想将来达到的境界,找出它的差距,一步一步的去改进。“如果问我在艾默生学到什么?我觉得他们教我的就是要持续的改进,要有系统性的思维。” 


关注客户所需 解决客户所难 




High-quality products need the guarantee of quality service. Highlighting the process of outstanding service in Chinese market, Flowmeter Department of Emerson has achieved excellent performance. What is the secret of their success? What should we learn from their experience?

Zhang Yuncai, Sales Director of Flowmeter Department of Emerson Process Management in China, is experienced in the sector of automation. He has original ideas and profound views on the development of flowmeter industry. In the past five years, he led a team to achieve an annual growth of 30 percent in sales. At the same time, he witnessed the rapid technology development of flowmeter in China in the past 10 years. We had recently an interview with him. 

China's flow metering 

industry is driven by new technology
The biggest advantage - measure the quality of fluid directly is the reason why mass flowmeters are widely applied. In 1977, the first sample of mass flowmeter was produced. In 1985, Emerson bought the company who made the first mass flowmeter, and then promoted its products into Chinese market.

Up to now, Coriolis Mass Flowmeters has more than 20 years of history in China, many large enterprises are using the products. According to Zhang, Coriolis Mass Flowmeters have four advantages. Firstly, directly measure the quality. Secondly, without moving parts. Thirdly, multi-parameter co-exist, can not only measure mass flow, but also the density and temperature. Fourthly, without frost level parts. Mass Flowmeters do not need regular maintenance, and they are easy to installed.

Zhang said, more than 10 years ago, they began to promote the technology of flowmeter to customers. Today, Emerson's technology has been accepted by customers, particularly in the petroleum and petrochemical fields. Zhang told the reporter, "This makes our initial efforts worthwhile."
Invest and achieve 

localization services in China 

At present, Emerson has many successful cases of products application in China. Zhang said, "We have close relationship with PetroChina and Sinopec, once the products are successfully applied, they may be quickly promoted." Zhang explained, "We are confident in the domestic customers such as PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC, because Emerson has the largest business in China preceded only by U.S. Of course, in the last few years, due to the rapid economic growth of China and the increase of projects, we have expanded our business. I think the prospect of mass flowmeter will be quite good. "

At the very beginning, there were only 20 employees in Flowmeter Department of Emerson in Asia, but now we have a team of more than 100 employees. Zhang said, "Emerson can invest in China, that is to say our business here is quite big so that we are able to serve local customers with localization service."
Keep improving the products 

Technology should be improved to meet the needs of customers. Only your products and services meet customer's demand, even beyond their needs, can be accepted by the market. Zhang said that Emerson holds a concept of systematic thinking and continuous improvement, which means never satisfy. If you ask me what I have learned from Emerson, I think they have taught me how to keep continuous improvement and systematic thinking.

Zhang thought that many problems could be solved as the development of technology. He said, "I am one of the leaders of the business in China, I have the responsibility to reflect the needs of Chinese customers to our company. For example, the flow metering in China is very common, we do it better here than any other countries. In China, customers need large-caliber metering, so we develop the large-caliber technology and promote in China. " 

Pay attention to the necessities & find 

solution to the difficulties of customers
"The key problem that flow metering technology is accepted by many customers is that enterprises need to know about the necessities, current situation and difficulties of customers." Zhang gives us an example, "the ingredients of crude oil from several domestic oilfields are all different. The qualities of oil from Shengli oilfield and Daqing oilfield are different: the paraffin content of the oil of Daqing oilfield surpasses 20 percent."

Zhang annually spends his 70 percent time to pay visits to customers with his sales men, service men and supporting men. "We have been to all the oilfields in China. Of course, I should stay at office to do some plans and deal with some internal affairs of the company. But I would prefer to going out to know about the necessities of customers. Then I will transform our organization more efficiently and this organization will concern with customers' concern. "

According to Zhang's introduction, every employee is engaged in training in respects of before sales, after sales, marketing, service and supporting so that the technique, knowledge and ability of employees can effectively communicate with customers.

关键字: 艾默生 流量计 张运才 
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