
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2008-12-31  来源:《石油与装备》  关注度:0]
摘要:壳牌:整合技术 实现双赢??访壳牌中国勘探与生产有限公司总裁邓鑫 □ 本刊记者 姜娜 译 覃珧 来源:《石油与装备》 总第023期 随着人口增长和经济发展,能源需求也在不断增加。据有关机构预测到2050年,世界能源需求总量...
壳牌:整合技术 实现双赢??访壳牌中国勘探与生产有限公司总裁邓鑫
□ 本刊记者 / 姜娜 译 / 覃珧

来源:《石油与装备》 总第023期



  技术整合   实现采收价值最大化



较小规模的可膨胀带状隔离装置(Expandable Zonal Isolation Profiler, E-Zip)技术,是壳牌拥有专利的一个低成本典型方案。它可以降低地下水流入油井水平,从而增加高出水油井的产量。E-Zip技术利用壳牌自有专利的遇水膨胀的弹性橡胶,将高出水量油井中的水油隔离,使油井得到了有效防水保护。这种遇水膨胀的弹性橡胶被放入油井之后,一旦遇水就会自动膨胀,从而达到防水隔离的效果。在阿曼Nimr油田,通过应用这一技术,第一生产年度(2005年)的出水量从90%降低到了40%。




在过去的25年中,壳牌一直致力于寻找一种有效而又经济的方法,从油田开采现场的油页岩和极稠油砂层中提高油气采收率。在这些条件下的传统开采方法成本很高,并且会对环境造成破坏。壳牌已经开发出了被称作就地转化工艺(In situ Upgrading)的施工方法,它可以在现场将地下油页岩和砂层中的油母质或石油升级为轻质碳氢化合物和天然气亚层。利用这种技术,壳牌从2004年开始就在加拿大进行先导性实验,结果令人振奋,表明采收率可以达到50%以上。邓鑫乐观地说:“这一工作还在继续,进一步完善之后再正式投入使用。”

  因需而变   迎接新挑战


远在上世纪80年代,邓鑫在挪威工作时,他们还认为300米-400米水深是具有挑战性的。“但是到2004年时,我们创造了一个新的世界纪录,在Nakika海底钻井平台项目中,施工深度达到2,300多米。2007年壳牌在美国承建Perdido深水钻探项目。Perdido SPAR钻井平台项目水深达2,500米,成为世界上最深的SPAR钻井生产平台。另外一个海上油气钻探平台是巴西的BC-10海上平台,它的深度虽然只有1.8公里,和Perdido相比要逊色不少。但是BC-10是一个稠油开采平台,该项目正在建设之中,需要利用大量先进技术,才能从很深的地层中将稠油有效而安全地提取出来。”


在非传统碳氢化合物的开发利用方面,非常致密的油气田,例如美国Pinedale(陆上)气田项目,要求利用一整套合理配置的针对此油气田具体特点的技术方案,然后必须严格实施才能降低项目成本,实现产量的最大化。在Pinedale项目中,壳牌在模型基础上,认真设计了一套油井压裂工艺(fracturing technique),针对测量的地下地质结构,利用场内传感器实现压裂优化设计。然后针对不同储油层,壳牌开发了多重压裂施工工艺。最后对选定的工艺进一步优化,钻井时间比开始时降低了50%。

据邓鑫介绍:“在文莱,钻探队面临的问题是油囊或油藏规模太小,所以单独开发从经济上不划算。而且即使从经济上划算,在每个油囊上面架设海上钻探平台所造成的环境影响也是巨大的。壳牌因地制宜,制定的开发方案被称为蛇形井,该油井在地下油囊之间的走向像蛇或龙爬行一样,把油囊连接起来,通过一根生产套管实现多点共产(Co-mingled production)。”


  强劲技术支撑   实现合作双赢






According the related institution forecast, the world energy demand could be twice that at the turn of this century by 2050. The easy oil of the past will not be sufficient to meet this demand. This will require new technology and approaches to ensure energy demands can be met. Shell, as one of the biggest exploration & production companies, what will it do?
“As a major oil and gas company Shell believes that new and advanced technologies and methods will be required to satisfy our needs for more energy.” The Venture Director of Shell China Exploration & Production Co., Ltd., Mr. Simon Durkin, said recently when interviewed by journalists: “Primarily we see three areas of hydrocarbon technology application: Getting more out of the existing fields, ‘sweating the current assets’; finding and exploiting new reserves in environmentally sensitive or very difficult areas, such as the arctic or very deep water zone; and a move to more unconventional sources of hydrocarbon, for example tar sands or oil shale.”
Technology integration,
maximize recovery value
How to employ the hydrocarbon technology to make effects in different areas? Maybe, the truth is the best answer. Mr. Durkin discussed some practical examples with the journalist.
Shell globally has a big push on what they call “Smart fields”. This is where Shell uses a proprietary digital program linked to down hole sensors and control valves (e.g: interval control valves and gas lift control valves) in complex stacked reservoirs to monitor and optimize the oil field production real time. To give a real example, the implementation of this technology will increase ultimate recovery by between 3 and 6% and has already reduced development costs by 1 to 1.5$ / bbl in the Champion West field in Brunei.
Mr. Durkin informed that where Shell can work to really help in China is in the whole process of integration that means the technology is designed into the full field development with a clear understanding of what is required and how every aspect of the development inter-connects to maximize value. He cited an example for the reporter that they are developing a very viscous oil field in the Middle East where current recovery is around 3%. Past attempts to develop the field have not really worked. Now through careful design of the steam injection process to effectively use the fractures to carry the steam, the field is being developed in an integrated approach which is expected to raise the recovery to 30%.
In the aspect of getting more out of existing fields, Shell has been able to work with old oil fields and to raise the level of recovery, through better downhole imaging and modeling to optimize well locations in Norway, or application of SMART Fields technology in Brunei, or water control in Oman. Each of these solutions requires Shell carefully executed and fully integrated with the development and understanding of the oil field being produced.
Changing to meet demand,
greet new challenge
Mr. Durkin talked about the hydrocarbon technology application all along. He said: “exploiting new reserves in environmentally sensitive or very difficult areas, the most obvious area of technology application is in deepwater where Shell remains the world leader. Here we are now moving into ultra deep waters.”
The environmentally sensitive and difficult areas of the Arctic are another frontier for Shell and its technology. Shell’s largest current offshore development is in Sakahlin Russia subject to iced sea conditions for half of the year and Shell is currently exploring in the Beufort Sea north of Alaska.
About the development and utilization of unconventional hydrocarbon, very tight gas fields such as Pinedale in the USA (onshore) require a full integration of technology appropriate to the field being developed and then a rigorous approach to optimize the chosen solution to reduce costs and maximize production. For example in Pinedale, Shell has carefully designed a fracturing technique for the wells based on modeling and use of infield sensors to optimize the fracture design to the measured sub-surface conditions. Further, techniques have been developed for multiple fracturing and completion at the different reservoir layers. Finally, the chosen technology has then been optimized reducing the well times by about 50% compared with the start.
Changing to meet demand, Mr. Durkin emphasized that Shell is an oil and gas company, a technology driven energy company who develops and applies technology in order to maximize recovery / value and minimize HSE risks and exposure.
Powerful technique support,
push the upstream development in China
Technology and equipment is not an end itself for Shell. A service company may own bits of technology which they will push and make money out of. The difference of Shell is that Shell adds value by understanding the full picture and providing an integrated technical solution that leverages technology most effectively for the partners and themselves in the development of the field.
Mr. Durkin emphasized that Shell distinguishes from a service company that does not mean Shell doesn’t own a great deal of technologies for example they have over 26,000 patents worldwide, 11,000 fully approved and 15,000 pending. And other technology applications are focused around safety, such as infra red detection and automated shut down systems, which are quite common elsewhere in the world but hardly seen in China.
“Sustainable development and operation ” is the key target for Shell. To provide reliable and clean energy for China in a safe, sustainable  and commercial  manner. “The more troubled the circumstances are, the more breakthroughs are needed!” It is under this principle that Shell has always strived for new innovations, providing their customers with energy explored and developed using the most advanced technologies. Even when the exploration challenge has got harder and harder, Shell has continuously broken through its own limits.

关键字: 壳牌 专访 
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