
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-03-03  来源:Rigzone  关注度:0]
摘要:简介:09年2月24日,BJ服务公司宣布推出新一代、高性能固井设备Seahawk™ ,它将安装在BP公司在墨西哥湾的钻井船PS1 上,在超深水作业时,它的搅拌速度可达20桶分3m3min。 When needed, thi...
简介:09年2月24日,BJ服务公司宣布推出新一代、高性能固井设备Seahawk™ ,它将安装在BP公司在墨西哥湾的钻井船PS1 上,在超深水作业时,它的搅拌速度可达20桶/分(3m3/min)。

When needed, this high-power model can achieve blending rates to 20 barrels per minute [3 m3/min] for ultradeep zone isolation and related displacement tasks

BJ Services Company has developed a new-generation, high-performance Seahawk™ cementing unit for installation onboard the PS1 drillship for BP operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

The new drillship from Pride International is expected to begin operations in the ultra-deepwater sector during the third quarter of 2010. The addition of this high-horsepower cementing unit to BJ's fleet provides operators with an unprecedented range of performance capabilities for offshore cementing, including faster mixing rates for high-volume tophole cementing, faster displacement rates for a variety of operations, and greater redundancy and backup capacity.

"We are excited about the advanced capabilities of the new-generation Seahawk cementing unit and the opportunities it provides in the exploration and development of ultra-deepwater reserves," said David Dunlap, Chief Operating Officer, BJ Services Company. "When needed, this high-power model can achieve blending rates to 20 barrels per minute [3 m3/min] for ultradeep zone isolation and related displacement tasks. We expect it will provide important time and flexibility advantages to BP in its development of new fields."

Dual-Mixing and Remote Reporting Capabilities

The Seahawk dual-skid cementing unit features automated twin-mixing capabilities and 2,300 brake horsepower, ensuring precise density control and zonal isolation across long, complex intervals. Slurry consistency is maintained with two independent automatic cement control systems, Coriolis mass metering technology and hydraulically driven recirculating blending systems. This power unit and pump combination also enables the unit to be configured as a temporary replacement for mud pumps for selected displacement operations.

The custom design also incorporates automated liquid additive components, variable-speed electric drives and a high-speed fiber-optics package, enabling personnel to transmit information anywhere in the world. The self-contained model isolates the crew from high-powered components and manifolds and minimizes exposure to noise, vibration, dust and fumes.

Engineers at BJ Services' Technology and Operations Support Center near Houston, Texas, designed the high-capacity, high-horsepower model to meet a range of extreme offshore conditions. More than 50 Seahawk cementing units have been constructed by BJ Services at its manufacturing facility in Singapore since 2006 for installation on drilling rigs around the world.

关键字: 固井 
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