
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-06-24  来源:JPT  关注度:0]
摘要:简介:Reflex 海事公司最近发布了一款名为TORO的新型人员转移设备,许多创新举措都是应海洋石油勘探生产行业的要求而研发的。TORO人员转移系统能够保护人员安全,乘坐舒适,进出舱笼快捷,在常规和紧急情况下均适用。Reflex 海事公司总...
简介:Reflex 海事公司最近发布了一款名为TORO的新型人员转移设备,许多创新举措都是应海洋石油勘探生产行业的要求而研发的。TORO人员转移系统能够保护人员安全,乘坐舒适,进出舱笼快捷,在常规和紧急情况下均适用。Reflex 海事公司总经理说:“海洋平台人员转移主要依靠直升机,船舶到平台一般采用吊机,而转移舱系统也是不错的选择”。

Reflex Marine recently unveiled a new offering to its marine personnel transfer portfolio which includes innovative design improvements requested by the offshore E&P industry. The company’s TORO personnel transfer device combines advanced passenger protection, comfort, and speed of entry and exit in a system that can be used for both routine and emergency transfer situations.

“While helicopters are the mode of transportation most often associated with marine crew transfers, there are many situations where ship-to-facility transfers via a crane and transfer capsule system would be the preferred method,” said Phillip Strong, managing director and cofounder of Reflex Marine. Notable examples include situations in which helicopters are out of commission, such as during heavy fog conditions, or situations in which transfer of personnel from one platform to another would be more cost effective and efficient by employing a marine vessel.

The TORO is an evolution of the company’s first personnel transfer capsule, the Frog, which was introduced 10 years ago and has carried out millions of safe crane transfers worldwide. “The TORO design evolved out of discussions with clients, passengers, and regulatory agencies,” Strong said. “The result is a capsule that is more comfortable, cost effective, and convenient to use.”

The TORO incorporates many of the same design features as the Frog, including its ability to protect passengers from side impact and heavy landings and its buoyancy and self-righting capability in the unlikely event of water immersion.

A major difference is the ergonomic design of the TORO’s seats, which have an inclined base to provide a more upright position for passengers and allow them to be transported without seatbelts, subject to company policy and local legislative requirements. These features, coupled with the addition of elevated hand grips, allow passengers to more easily rise from the seat and exit the capsule in five seconds or less. “The ergonomic body positioning and ease of mobility in and out of the capsule were important to some passengers, who experienced a more ’strapped in’ feeling with the Frog,” Strong said.

The capsule can seat up to four passengers with a maximum payload of 970 lb (440 kg) during normal crew transfer operations. Passengers are completely protected from any external impacts or dangers while in the capsule, and the seats are bolted to a centralized lifting column that protects against excessive impact stresses. The capsule’s safe operating envelope includes a vertical impact speed up to 3 ft/s (3 m/s) at a maximum wave height of 15 ft. Fully loaded, the capsule is stable without tipping to a maximum angle of greater than 45°.

During emergency medical transfers, the TORO can be quickly reconfigured to carry one stretcher plus two seated passengers.

The TORO successfully underwent extensive field performance tests in Aberdeen in 4Q 2008, with test conditions and impact velocities assessed based on a report commissioned by the Motor Industry Research Association. Since then, 12 TORO units have deployed for full-time use in the Mediterranean, North Sea, and offshore Southeast Asia.

“Response from users to date has been extremely positive,” Strong said. “While the Frog will remain a key part of our product range, especially for clients operating in highly challenging environments [such as Arctic regions], we believe the TORO will increase the overall adoption rate of higher specification equipment and globally will protect more workers from unnecessary injury.”

Further technical details of the TORO, including a short video demonstration, can be found at

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关键字: Reflex 海洋 人员转移舱 
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