
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-09-27  来源:JPT  关注度:0]
Shell Global Solutions, the energy technology and consultancy arm of Royal Dutch Shell, is expanding its upstream business by selling technology to oil producers in Asia and the Middle East with the goal of boosting output at mature fields.

“Mature fields account for some 70% of the world’s oil production, and on average, only 35% of the original oil in a reservoir is actually produced using primary and secondary recovery services,” said Brent Fraser, lead account executive for Shell’s third-party upstream business in Asia-Pacific, in an interview with Dow Jones Newswires this week.

“The emphasis is on trying to get more from existing assets,” Fraser continued, which is why producers are turning to advanced technologies aimed at increasing recovery rates, reducing operating costs, and trimming downtime at mature fields.

Shell Global Solutions started selling Shell technologies in refining and petrochemicals10 years ago, but as most of its existing customers have upstream business, it decided to expand in that sector as well. The technology provider aims to double the share of its upstream business globally within the unit in 2010 from an existing 10?12%.

One particular technology that is included in the expanded offering is Shell’s Fieldware, a suite of real-time production optimization software applications that help field asset teams make quicker, better-informed decisions. Unlike conventional real-time systems that typically gather and report basic data, Shell says that Fieldware converts data from wells and production facilities into more useful production information.

The software platform, which is part of Shell’s global Smart Fields initiative, currently provides a real-time data stream from more than 5,000 Shell-operated oil and gas wells, which helps to identify and remediate flow problems and enables continuous production optimization. This early remediation advantage typically results in more production, the energy giant states.

In Asia, Fieldware technology has already been used to improve well tests at Shell’s Champion oilfield in Brunei and has raised output by 10%, according to Fraser.

Work has also commenced with a producer in Qatar to use Fieldware as a replacement for multiphase flow meters that can cost approximately USD 0.5 million each.

Shell Global Solutions is also touting the benefits of the technology in determining the optimal levels of gas injection to boost recovery rates and prevent wastage.

Visit Shell Global Solutions’ website for more information.

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