
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-11-19  来源:全球石油网  关注度:0]
摘要:简介:Royal Lankhorst Euronete 集团最近发布一款用于深水监视系统的光纤连接器,由绳对绳、绳对线、和绳对链等系列连接器,可以有效提升海洋监视系统线缆的连接效率。 Lankhorst Ropes Offshor...
简介:Royal Lankhorst Euronete 集团最近发布一款用于深水监视系统的光纤连接器,由绳对绳、绳对线、和绳对链等系列连接器,可以有效提升海洋监视系统线缆的连接效率。

Lankhorst Ropes Offshore Division (LROD), part of the Royal Lankhorst Euronete Group, recently introduced the LankoFirst range of fiber-rope connectors for deepwater mooring systems. The LankoFirst range, which includes rope-rope, rope-wire, and rope-chain connectors, aims to increase the efficiency and ease with which deepwater fiber mooring lines are connected and deployed offshore.

LROD states that the LankoFirst connectors are specifically designed for deepwater fiber connections and offer several advantages over traditional fiber-rope mooring connectors, which tend to be cumbersome to handle and time-consuming to complete during deepwater mooring operations in the field. By contrast, the new connectors are smaller, lighter, stronger, and more efficient than current plate links and thimbles.

Developed by subsea mooring connector specialist First Subsea and LROD worldwide agent Offspring International, the new fiber connector has been designed to be safer and easier to assemble offshore, whether vertically or horizontally. LankoFirst subconnectors are integrated with the spliced rope during rope manufacture, ensuring the quality of the splice and saving time when assembling the connectors on the vessel.

Dave Rowley, director, Offspring International, said, “As offshore projects move to deeper waters, the number of fiber-rope connectors needed will increase, and so the ease of assembly and time-saving benefits with LankoFirst will make a substantial impact of reducing mooring-line installation times.”

Manufactured from the same materials, and to the same high-quality standard, as First Subsea’s subsea mooring connectors, the LankoFirst is designed to easily run and retrieve across a mooring vessel’s stern rollers and on anchor-handling ships. “Our metals-forging research has been important in providing us with the technical know-how to optimize the design to make the LankoFirst connector small, light, and easy to assemble, yet able to withstand the rigors of deployment over the stern roller,” said Brian Green, general manager, First Subsea.

The company has designed the connector in three connection styles Clam, Snap, and Link for maximum installation flexibility.

  • For the Clam connector, the subconnector is spliced with the rope during manufacture and enclosed within a clam-shell case during deployment for fiber rope to fiber rope (R2R) and fiber rope to chain (R2C) connections.
  • The Snap connector is designed for R2R connections in which the spliced rope is integrated with the connector during rope manufacture and simply snapped together offshore.
  • The Link connector is for R2R connections where spliced ropes are integrated with connectors (female clevis head and male padeye) during rope manufacture and a pin connection made offshore.

“LankoFirst brings a level of flexibility and ease of installation to fiber deepwater connections that simply hasn’t existed before,” said Chris Johnson, sales director, Lankhorst Ropes Offshore Division, adding that now operators can “choose the connector that best suits their requirements in terms of the type of connection and how they want to deploy it offshore. In all cases, the LankoFirst connectors share the same high-quality engineering and design needed to meet mechanical and fatigue demands of their mooring system.”

Learn more by downloading the LankoFirst product brochure at LROD’s website.

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关键字: 光纤 
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