
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2010-03-03  来源:全球石油网  关注度:0]
摘要:简介:BP近期发布针对油田应用的材料和腐蚀研究计划项目,该项研究是与麻省理工和曼彻斯特大学一起合作进行的。 In an effort to enhance its operational integrity in the EP arena...
In an effort to enhance its operational integrity in the E&P arena, BP recently announced a long-term research partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Manchester aimed at advancing materials and corrosion research as applied to oilfield applications.

BP's initial investment in this research collaboration is USD 2 million, with the company intending to match this for up to a further 4 years. The initial emphasis of the research collaboration will be on materials and corrosion science including corrosion and corrosion-fatigue modeling, environmental cracking, novel coatings, and new monitoring technology. This will extend over time to other mechanical integrity- and reliability-related subject areas.

BP views asset integrity and materials development as an essential component of its move into more severe operating environments, including deeper reservoirs, higher pressures and temperatures, and higher fluid velocities. At the same time, the company has placed a priority on managing its aging oil and gas assets to ensure that corrosion is held in check and safe, reliable, and efficient operation of facilities and infrastructure is maintained.

To advance its fundamental understanding of engineering materials and corrosion, BP set up its Inherently Reliable Facilities (IRF) upstream flagship technology program; the collaboration with MIT and Manchester will provide academic input and support to the IRF program.

"Corrosion control, mitigation, and monitoring are significant concerns in our industry" said Simon Webster, BP's vice president for the IRF flagship. "We recognized that the future success of the IRF program depends on having reliable long-term access to highly specialized materials and corrosion expertise and laboratory facilities. Our collaboration with MIT and Manchester will provide us with the world-class research access we need."

"This further investment by BP significantly advances our long-standing relationship with the company across a wide range of engineering and management programs," said Colin Bailey, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Manchester. "In addition, it recognizes the importance of the research underway at the University and will support the consolidation of the University's position as a world leader in corrosion-control and materials research in extreme environments, which is relevant across the entire energy sector."

Ron Ballinger of MIT noted that, "The MIT/BP collaboration is an exciting opportunity to develop a fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanisms of environmental degradation and the application of this understanding to the development of advanced materials for use in extreme environments such as those found in the oil and gas industry." MIT Professor Ned Thomas added, "Advanced energy-production systems are increasingly materials limited, so it is critical that our graduates are well versed in the role of extreme environments on materials behavior and, in particular, the role of corrosion in real engineering systems."

As part of this long-term relationship, BP will also fund curriculum development at the two universities to help build a higher profile for oilfield materials and corrosion science in undergraduate and graduate education. As part of a larger commitment to corrosion research, BP will also provide support for the Corrosion and Reliability Engineering initiative at The University of Akron, USA, in the form of a one-off commitment of USD 500,000.

Through these collaborations, BP intends to support the development of the next generation of materials and corrosion specialists, as well as provide training and development opportunities for current BP staff.

More information on this research partnership and BP's IRF program can be found at BP's website.

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关键字: BP 腐蚀 
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