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装备基地为何这么火? 中国石油装备基地深度解析

[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2008-10-22 《石油与装备》 关注度:0]
摘要:装备基地为何这么火 Why is Equipment Base so Popular? □ 本刊记者 王云建 译 覃珧 Reporter Wang Yunjian Translator Qin Yao 来源:《石油与装备》...
Why is Equipment Base so Popular?
□ 本刊记者 / 王云建 译 / 覃珧 Reporter / Wang Yunjian Translator / Qin Yao 
来源:《石油与装备》/ 振威石油网



  改革开放三十年以来,整个石油装备行业发展突飞猛进,硕果累累。但是, 目前中国石油装备制造业仍不具有与国际“制造大鳄”相抗衡的整体实力。业内专家认为,发展集群化的基地制造,无论是对提高自主创新还是加快产业升级,都极具重要意义。 


接续发展 “油城”发力 






资源重组 油企布局 






集群发展 做精做强 



In recent years, news reports on petroleum equipment manufacturing bases are greatly popular in mass media, and manufacturing bases are in full bloom in 2008.

"We are going to build China's largest oil equipment manufacturing base in Dongying." Dongying Foreign Trade and Economic Committee said at the 8th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe2008) in the early April this year.

Over the last thirty years since China began opening up, the whole oil industry equipment has made great achievements and developed rapidly. However, at present, China's oil equipment manufacturing industry can't compete with the international manufacturers. Experts said that it is of great significance to develop the clusters of manufacturing bases.

Nowadays, Dongying in Shandong Province, Panjin in Liaoning Province and Daqing in Heilongjiang Province put forward the development ideas of oil equipment manufacturing bases, with the further implementation, these regional manufacturing bases and the bases of PetroChina, Sinopec are multi-pronged everywhere.
Oil cities make efforts 

to keep sustainable development 

In China, there are many famous oil cities, such as Dongying, Panjin and Daqing. Most of these cities rely on the development of large oilfields. As cities with lots of resources, they get great support and impetus from oil and gas. However, as the reduction of oil and gas extraction volume year by year, how to avoid the risk of a single development and expand the industrial chain of petroleum, become a prominent issue.

In recent years, the rising oil prices heat up the investment in upstream exploration and development, and the active equipment market has brought new development opportunities to oil cities, who can achieve sustainable development by means of building sustainable equipment manufacturing industries.
Resource restructuring 

and layout of oil companies 

"Due to the historical and institutional reasons, China's oil equipment manufacturing industry has been separated into various provinces and regions, even in the same system and oil field, this situation is not conducive to equipment manufacturing industry to form an overall competitiveness. " Said Zhao Zhiming, Deputy Chairman of China Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Industry, the current mechanism of market economy system is not completely straighten out, while the defects of planned economy have not yet been fully resolved, the development of China's oil equipment manufacturing bases is not so fast, there is an urgent requirement to intensify the reorganization of resources.

Reorganization is an effective strategy to increase the scale advantage, integrate all types of resources, so that improve the asset quality and competitiveness of enterprises. Actually, the three big oil companies, PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC, have been constantly reformed and reconstructed since 1998. In particular, oil equipment business got breakthrough in the resources reorganization in recent years. PetroChina is a typical example. 

Achieving industrial clusters' 

development with stronger strength 

Many years ago, there were only a few small factories producing oil equipment spare parts in Dongying, and they had to import the important basic petrochemical equipments. But now, there are more than 150 oil equipment manufacturing companies in Dongying, not only go out of the "small workshop", but also develop and produce more equipments and accessories in a wider coverage area. Shengli Oilfield Highland Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd., is a leading enterprise that have large-scale drill-test venues supporting six large sets, with the production capacity of 40 drilling rigs annually, and it has the world's top-2 consecutive rod production line. In 2007, its revenue was 6.06 billion yuan.

Zhao Zhiming, Deputy Chairman of China Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Industry Association said, “industrial clusters' development should lead by some key enterprises, to create a unique oil equipment manufacturing base offers many advantages to clustering development, the main benefit is to create the cluster effect and scale economy. "

Expert Zhao pointed out that the domestic enterprises should develop in the direction of forefront equipment and high-end technology, but not the low-end products. Oil equipment manufacturing bases should develop in feature scale and specialized manufacturing with a cluster style. Otherwise, they have no competitiveness.

Qi Zhongying, vice-president of Harbin Institute of Technology also said, "The product application scope is broad and the oil equipment manufacturing industry is fiercely competitive. It is impossible for one region to control the whole market. Therefore, the oil equipment manufacturing regions should pay attention to their own advantages, it is necessary to highlight the competitive characteristics of their product structures, so that they can expand the market better for their products. "
关键字: 装备基地 装备制造 
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