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[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-05-19 OTC 关注度:0]

The compact one-shot ProSalt mixer system combines the fresh water injection and crude - fresh water mixing by imposing a homogeneous shear stress of the dispersed fresh - crude flow. As a result a homogeneous fresh water droplet size distribution results, resulting in a more separable fresh water - crude mixture and correspondingly better utilisation of the injected fresh water. The ProSalt, equipped with actuator driven mixer cylinder internal, can handle any turn-down crude flow rate.

For the conventional desalting process of crude, static mixers, such as globe valves, have been used for mixing of crude with injected fresh water. This mixing method often results in consuming high quantities of wash water and chemicals with relatively low mixing efficiency. The static mixer pressure drop represent a considerable pressure drop and risk for poor crude - fresh water separation in the downstream separator.
关键字: 脱盐 ProSalt 油水分离 
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