
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2012-04-20  来源:全球石油化工网  关注度:0]
摘要: 2012年3月21-22日,斗山移动动力在北京临空皇冠假日酒店召开2012年经销商大会。来自全国各地的经销商参加了会议,并同时参加了于前一天召开的斗山移动动力新产品推介会。 在经销商大会上...



    在经销商大会上,各位经销商老总和公司管理人员齐聚一堂,气氛融洽和热烈。斗山移动动力副总裁主管全球市场的David Stahlman先生专程从美国赶来出席了此次会议,并介绍了公司未来几年的全球战略计划。H.R Choi 发表了《作为业务伙伴》为题的精彩的开场白。H.R谈到斗山和各位经销商的关系时说,我们之间的关系不仅仅是“总公司和经销商”,而是“业务伙伴”。也就是说,你们的成功就是斗山的成功,斗山的成功也就是你们的成功。这才是真正的“业务伙伴关系”。 战略与市场总监印波就目前市场的状况,斗山品牌的转换以及针对不同的目标市场,公司的战略和发展方向与经销商进行了交流。在3月履新的全国销售总监刘家喜满怀激情地表达了对销售团队的信任和信心,希望在经销商的积极配合下,在不久的将来共同开创斗山移动动力的新篇章。售后服务部总监杨渭军介绍了2012年的售后销售政策以及售后服务策略,渠道部经理谢雪涛回顾了2011年经销商的成绩并介绍了2012年经销商考核方法和奖励办法。运营总监郜林峰也为大家介绍了斗山上海制造中心的情况以及质量管理目标和方法。分销商代表在大会上分享了他的成功经验。在大会前的晚上,公司所有管理层与经销商代表座谈了近3个小时,详细听取了意见和建议。


    在经销商大会上,各位经销商老总和公司管理人员齐聚一堂,气氛融洽和热烈。斗山移动动力副总裁主管全球市场的David Stahlman先生专程从美国赶来出席了此次会议,并介绍了公司未来几年的全球战略计划。H.R Choi 发表了《作为业务伙伴》为题的精彩的开场白。H.R谈到斗山和各位经销商的关系时说,我们之间的关系不仅仅是“总公司和经销商”,而是“业务伙伴”。也就是说,你们的成功就是斗山的成功,斗山的成功也就是你们的成功。这才是真正的“业务伙伴关系”。 战略与市场总监印波就目前市场的状况,斗山品牌的转换以及针对不同的目标市场,公司的战略和发展方向与经销商进行了交流。在3月履新的全国销售总监刘家喜满怀激情地表达了对销售团队的信任和信心,希望在经销商的积极配合下,在不久的将来共同开创斗山移动动力的新篇章。售后服务部总监杨渭军介绍了2012年的售后销售政策以及售后服务策略,渠道部经理谢雪涛回顾了2011年经销商的成绩并介绍了2012年经销商考核方法和奖励办法。运营总监郜林峰也为大家介绍了斗山上海制造中心的情况以及质量管理目标和方法。分销商代表在大会上分享了他的成功经验。在大会前的晚上,公司所有管理层与经销商代表座谈了近3个小时,详细听取了意见和建议。







    Doosan Infracore Portable Power holds 2012 distributor conference in Beijing

    2012 Doosan Portable Power Distributor Conference was hold in Beijing on Mar.21th-22th. About 50 delegates from North to South, East to West joined this meeting. And they also attended DIPP new product launch in the day before.

    At 2012 distributor conference, DIPP managers and the distributors gathered together frankly and happily. David Stahlman, VP of DIPP global marketing, flight from US to attend the meeting and to introduce global marketing strategy & investment to China Market in today and future. H.R.Choi made an opening speech of AS A PARTNER. When H.R.Choi talked about the relationship between Doosan and Dealer, he said: Our relationship is not merely “Principal vs Dealer”, but “Business partner”. That is, your success is Doosan’s success and Doosan’s success is your success. This is “Business Partnership” and this is very true.

    Susie Yin, Strategy & Marketing Director, shared knowledge with distribubtors about China market and next five years growth rate, market segment and DIPP Product & Marketing strategy, Brand Transition and brand survey result. Charles Liu, the new Sales Director on board in March, expressed his proud of his sales team and his confidence. With the effort and support of distributor, he wish to lead the team to achieve DIPP new page in near future. Yang Weijun, Aftermarket Director, introduced aftermarket strategy and new policy in 2012. Sheman Xie, Business Development manager, reviewed 2011 result and introduced 2012 reward scheme. Gao Linfeng, Operation Director, introduced Doosan Shanghai facility and quality control system. One Distributor shared his successful experience in the meeting. In the evening before the meeting, all DIPP managers spent 3 hours to listen to distributor’s opinions and suggestion.

    All participants distributors get 2012 authorized distributor certificate while 14 distributors were awarded for their outstanding performance and great contributions in 2011.

    After the meeting, DIPP staff and distributors joined together to climb Mutianyu Great Wall, which means DIPP and distributors are good partners who can help each other to conquer difficulties and climb up to the peak.

    About Doosan Infracore Portable Power

    Doosan Infracore Portable Power(DIPP), a business division of Doosan Group, is a global manufacturing leader of portable power equipments, including portable air compressor, generator set, lighting system and light compaction, mainly applied for infrastructure construction, mining, shipreqair, energy exploitation and other engineering construction industries worldwide. Headquartered in Statesville, NC, USA, DIPP has four manufacturing centers and an expansive distribution network all over the world to offer diversified products and services to meet all demands from global markets. [复制 收藏
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