
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2013-03-15  来源:全球石油化工网  关注度:0]
摘要:   贝尔佐纳将展出保护处理容器的高性能高分子涂层技术   贝尔佐纳高分子有限公司作为生产保护涂层和修复复合材料领域的领军人 ,将在第十三届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会上展现他们的高性能高分子技术。 ...



  贝尔佐纳高分子有限公司作为生产保护涂层和修复复合材料领域的领军人 ,将在第十三届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会上展现他们的高性能高分子技术。








  目前,贝尔佐纳正在为中国国内几个主要石油天然气公司的重大投资项目提供内涂层方面的解决方案。如果您想了解更多关于贝尔佐纳在石油天然气方面的解决方案,请参观展位号W1739 (英国展团,西1馆)。



  Belzona to Exhibit High Performance Polymer Technologies for Vessel Protection

  BelzonaPolymerics Ltd., a leader in the manufacturing of protective coatings and repair composites, will be featuring its high performance polymer technologies at the 13th edition of CIPPE 2013.

  Belzona -present in more than 120 countries- offers a wide range of repair and maintenance solutions to combat the most complicated corrosion, erosion, chemical attack and high temperature problems present in Upstream and Downstream.

  These solutions, designed to ensure asset’s integrity, include: internal linings for vessels, composite repairs, flange face forming and nozzle inserts, amongst many others. Furthermore, these reduce clients’ costs as they can be easily applied; allowing assets to be returned back to service quickly.

  Belzona provides 24 hour technical and sales support in China, 7 days a week, both through its experienced personnel and network of 19 Distributors located across the country.

  Currently, Belzona is involved in several domestic projects in China to support major Oil and Gas companies by supplying internal linings. To find more information about the Belzona Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry visit stand number W1739 (UK Pavilion, Hall W1).

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